Ghost Kitty~
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  • I only care for humans. Oh, and dogs. :3

    Urgh is there anything I can beat you at?

    !! *Behold the new Vdiamond armV*

    Who said Test Subject 2 is ''people''? :rolleyes:

    Aren't they supposed to love mythical bears? They'll kill you if you do that.

    It is not! All the other demons I summoned were crazy about me, just so you know..

    Ha! As if doing this will help you catch them! They already know what they need to know! You'll never find them! Never, I tell you ! Ahahahahaha! :rant: Oh, and, *clang* see ya! :rudolph:

    Ah, poor Sanji.. He never got to go to the Land of Women..which is good.>__> Anyway, you being here and disrupting my country's peace is enough! You're even planning on being the next Sanji!

    *poof* \ ( ̄(エ) ̄)/ xD *dances around*

    (A cool shark!) What mark? XD And I know it's no Noah's Ark! You said you'll 'row and follow the river's flow' so I'm sure it's gonna be slow and btw I can see you right now under the moonlight's glow! And when the world ends, you're going down with it too, cause life's a ship, my friend, and we're all the crew!

    I don't think they'll put goo on their heads though..There's a limit to what one can do for money. :S
    Oh, well umm yes. Since it's not that hot during those times...
    Meh, whatever. -_-

    Not anymore~ :runaway:

    *Vivi's arm just stretches* Hm, seems it can't be cut..

    It appears his ears have been chopped off...Hmm...

    Haven't you ever seen a bear eat a human? o.O Go watch some...Discovery Channel programmes or something.. And anyway, how do you know I'm not a mythical bear? ;D

    Well, apparently I'm invisible to him! Otherwise why isn't he making a move on me?! I'm like, the Queen of Awesomeness!

    Sshh I can hear something.. Oh! Uhuh, yeah, ok. Got it. No I won't tell him~. Ok, bye!

    Your plans to become the biggest lecher in the world or something? IN THE LAND OF WOMEN?! :angrypunch:

    Ah, whatever, I give up.. :rolleyes:

    Oh really? Well you'd better hurry before it gets dimmer cause it'll be blurry and I'M A GOOD SWIMMER! And when it gets dark I'll come with a shark singing like Linkin Park and the world'll be shattered cause in the end It Doesn't Even Maatteer~!

    Wait a minute.. It's true that designers would love that but that doesn't mean that buyers will! No one will ever buy those and this fad'll just fade away!
    No it's not. I don't really like shooters. It's an MMORPG. You know how everyone was hyped about Watch_Dogs?
    It's like that for me and Black Desert.
    Did you see Black Desert? Those graphics are just so...
    Yeah. Too bad many don't get localized D:
    I'm not sure xD
    It's still beta in Korea
    Yep. It's in 3D too I guess, I saw a trailer.
    There's a sequel in production
    Yeah kinda like that xD You just run around and act crazy
    It kinda reminded me of MapleStory for some reason
    I saw Wreck-it Ralph and you were right it was pretty good xD
    Oh, summer... umm, I don't think so... I'm not exactly that good with the heat...
    Oh, sorry for the late reply again... summer... well it should be summer soon I think? Although it's still not that hot yet... but it is getting warmer.
    Humans aren't the only things wolves eat..And there could also be other people in the forest or whatever that place is.

    I'm not..:ninja:

    You know what? That's a great idea! *casts a magic spell* Done!

    Wha-?! XD Weren't you the one who killed him?! It was one of the traps you'd set up! And that wasn't even one of your people! He was the test subject I sent!
    XD *test subject 2 enters* *the rays don't affect him?*

    It's a bear and, you don't eat bears! Bears eat you! :stilleathead:

    Whatever, a devil is a devil. This one just has a...unique personality..? Anyway, kill him, my friend!
    -Devil: Huh? Who's your ''friend''? I just came here in search of love~ <3
    -Vivi: ........

    Just what are you, Mr.I-can-do-everything... Well then I'll try to connect with them the same way you trace them...Using this signal..
    Why would you want to kill them anyway? Aren't we friends?:bigeyes:

    But you should eat light at dinner! The bear needs to keep healthy too, you know!

    xD There's no guy with an odd nose! That's you! Since you said you wouldn't say no just tell me everything you know and don't try to run away on your toes 'cause I'm going to break those!

    Nooo! :saveme:
    I don't know, why don't you ask them? Oh wait, you can't because the wolf just ate them~! Unless they have clones....
    Yes! Never! :runaway:

    My arm doesn't 'turn' into a pungi. The pungi materializes out of it, so if anything happens to the pungi my arm would still be fine. You still won't be able to get it though. :runaway:

    *test subject enters first room* *dies in a fire..?*
    Aw, too bad. Yoshi, time for test subject no.2! :gotidea:

    Phew, that was close.. (◔(ェ)◔)

    The devil's already here. -_- In a pink dress and a tiara...? -_____-

    But it'd be much harder to find them..

    Me? Brunch? No! :redcard: I object! I'm the one that should be saved for last! Sam, do something here!

    You could also be a smart random thing I made up which knows more than it should! Tell me everything you know! I know you know more than I do! (too many ''know''s in this line ;D)

    XD Who would want a hat that kicks and insults its owner? (Well, 'kicking' isn't really the word, but..) Only a sick twisted psycho would buy that from you.. Oh no... I heard all fashion designers are weird and crazy! O.O
    Oh, I see...

    Happening...? Umm, no... I don't think anything out of the ordinary happened...
    That wolf also has clones if you didn't know~~~ :mafiaboss: Never! :runaway:

    Are you that desperate? >_> Get a job or something..

    *test subject sneaking in*

    ....I guess? (°))<<

    *Vivi performs a ritual and summons the devil to help her beat Sam*

    Having different lives doesn't mean we're not connected.. Maybe some of us chose that so that life would become easier for everyone.

    Um...he didn't eat it? It should be yummier than me.. It's also huge.

    Maybe you don't really exist. O.O Does that make me an M who makes up people who tease and hurt her? o.O

    :stilleathead: <<(That's your head)
    Oh... umm well I'm okay I think... it has been a while... so... have you gone back?
    Sorry for the late reply (>人<;).. I'm going to be busy from this Month onwards so i don't think i can reply as frequent (>人<;)..

    If i buy Japanese Games by Online or Preorder at Stores, it will be somewhat the same prize as Japan (o_O)..
    (O_o) Both of us have to do our best (>人<;)..

    Hmm.. I seldom use Laptop in my Room so i guess i don't mind at all (o_O).. But i do wish my Room was bigger (@_@)..
    Hahax, sometimes the Volume 1 urges you to buy the rest of the Volume :P~

    Yup, SUBs are better (^ω^)~

    :eek: Oh, you're dead too? ^_^ But how'd you end up in heaven...?

    Why would you want to cut off my arm? .... .... :runaway:

    Then they're hiding it from you! Sam, I think you should go look into it!
    Wait! Don't you have Max already? *starts thinking of a sneak-in plan*


    :hypnotized: Focus..focus..focus!

    But we don't have the same memories and experience.. I still consider us different..

    *me throws a fish at the bear*

    I don't know, you're the one who believes I'm delusional.. If they're really delusions then I guess I won't know...Talking to you right now might be one of them..:/

    Noo! Mmmaegskopjgodhb! *Vivi turns into a gooey slime* :eathead:
    I can't even see anything anymore..:( Ah..Grandma? Is that you? Is this...heaven? :bigeyes:

    The pungi's kind of stuck on me... Actually, it's part of my skin so you can't really 'drop' it..

    I don't know, ask your parents! ....Could they be hiding such a big secret from you?! O.O You know, with their help (& materials) you could have become the greatest scientist ever!

    -__- Well what do you know I'm a weirdo. (∪ ̄ ㋓  ̄∪)

    I don't see a man with spiky hair! All I can see is you flying around with my Max in your arms! Or is it all just one of your illusions?

    I meant that the Alliance I'm in could have other clones of myself~! But I guess you don't really care do you. *sigh*


    Being delusional is one of the basics of madness!

    *Vivi tries to run away while she meltss away.....* (Why in the world am I melting now? Cut! I need to speak to the director!)
    My room is much bigger than before :D
    But the cleaning will be troublesome >.<

    Tie them all up and when the preparation period is over u kill them all? O_o
    There is not much risk in trying to kidnap other players since u can't die :goodtea:
    I see... it must have been cold then... are you okay? I hope you don't catch a cold or anything...
    Aaah it's blinding! .....:reallyconfused:

    I never lose it. It kind of materializes out of my skin...

    Oh noo, I always use their stuff! Tch..... I guess I'll have to find a new- Oh, there's Yeung Corp's eastern branch! Might be good~ *buys some parts*

    Ah, right.. *ties a bandage around her...neck* *cough**cough* Too...tight....

    H-he did WHAT? *checks wardrobe* --___-- You liar! Everything's there! *turns around* Oooh no, you aren't.. NOOO give me back my Maxyyyy!!! What did you do that for? Are you planning on treating him like a lab rat?! Get back here! Damn your portals!

    Then that means you can't tell the difference.. Maybe it is a group of clones..:evillaugh:
    o.O *sigh* Yes, please. I'm hungry anyway..

    *shivers* Get away from me...
    Hey, what's so weird about me being mad? What do you take me for anyway? A sane person? XD

    Not just salt! Give me water!
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