Short... /me reads the thread and finds out samy hasn't filled it yet
cause he won't get rejected with the reason ''you don't know me well" ~ Oh really?
He regretted being a he thought of those ways to get money...hope she'll recover soon~ cut off all the communication ways to reach them, to keep your mom safeee XD
That's the best way to avoid more contact with him~
Well they need to have good looks too if they wanted to confess in public
Omg...that's horrible, his ways only revealed his selfishness and craziness...did he just want your mom to experience the same thing he did? But still he is the worst for manipulating people to get self satisfaction... How are your mom now? Did she recover from that nightmare? She should build up more confidence, and of course stay out of strangers~
It must be tough for you to deal with the priest and tolerate with her, getting yelled and all those things >< It's alright now
hahaha that dumbass is not your opponent using those garbage words XD Samy should reply with "God told you to snap out of it".
Yess, aren't they sweet? though it will only sound embarassing and weird in rl~
Descendants of the Sun is really good, samy should watch it
It is soft and oishii desu~ cook it with chinese recipes~
Not like in the movies but I did...a bit rebellion, arguing with things...had a lot of disagreements back then when I was a high schooler
The movies are just too exaggerating
Japanese seiyuu they speak engurish XD
Its like organic veggies? Healthier