Ghost Kitty~
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  • O_O
    Lol Sam the person named germeniusz seems to speak my language....he is speaking polish but no idea who he is he said I love movies online movies....
    Hm... By the way, Samy, mind if I add you on Skype, even if I don't really talk too much? xD
    (I added renano and Decalcomania as well, but couldn't find your contact around... I would like to stay in contact with all of you. ^^)
    Hm... Maybe I should think about this for awhile. Who know what will happen next right :D
    Some people do so ^_^

    Maybe each departure have different "way" to earn money. But then again, it's really hard question :D
    Uh, that's really a tough one. I don't think I can answer that for now :donow:
    Thank you samy ^_^
    I'm looking for Financial job, like Banking Financial Control for example :D
    Sorry for my late reply, I just know that you reply my post >_<

    Right now I think I will concentrate to get a job first ^_^
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