Last time I check you were the TOP poster.
Well You're close to the 50k thing so good luck ------> Wait luck won't do so Have patience. I'm with you on this one.
Wait why am I cheering for my competition again ? ? ? Nah, you've come so close so you'll do it for sure but that does not mean I'm backing off from the challenge.
You goal is close while mine is currently 43999 posts minus 44 posts = 43355 posts away from becoming reality and the gap is increasing as time goes by.
Well, that was 8 MONTHS of hard work.
Speaking of challengers, I remember seeing you in a Zombie competition or something.
Well, it did not really struck me since I don't really like zombies.
Maybe it's because I watched a zombie movie when I was a kid and got traumatized.
Still, I find myself strange sometimes. I don't like zombies but I like stuffs like my avatar.
Funny huh, or maybe weird.
yeah one thing. I hope you don't mind me calling you Sam.
Take Care and Have a Nice eh...
well, if it's day then, have a nice day.
If it's night, then Good Night.
Later (for real this time).