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  • Places And Sites Like Airliners.net Are Always The Best,As Soon As Your Membership Payment Is Accepted,They Will Send You A Welcome Email Yes And It's More Than Just A Welcome Email,It Includes Very Serious Warnings As Well,The Warnings Are Think Hard Before Say Anything,Everyone In This Forum Paid For Their Fair Share To Become A Part Of This Community,Think Hard And Think Well Before You Say Anything That Is Stupid And Offensive That May And Will Offend Another User/Member,Do Not Make This Forum Your Personal Playground For Fun And Joy,If You See A Post Or Thread That is Lame Or Boring From Your Point Of View,Should You Have Nothing Good To Say About It,Do Not Reply To Attack,Insult Or Humiliate The User/Member,Just Comply With It,Be On Your Way,Go Elsewhere,Foolish Behaviour Is Not Tolerated In This Forum,You Will Be Banned Permanently Without Warning Should You Cause Harm Or Discomfort To The Users/Members Of This Forum.
    I Love Controlled Environments,Places That Are Always Under Alert,Always Under Code Red And LockDown,Places Where The Guards Eyes And Security Are Always Watching,They Will Make Sure The Peace Is Preserved At All Costs,Places Where Chains Are Always On Your Neck,Meaning You Have To Watch Your Mouth And Language 24/7,Thats Why I Love The Payment Join And Get Method^-^
    Actually Gc In Some Ways I Do Support SOPA And PIPA,This Way Everyone Will Learn Not To Take The Internet For Granted,Because Some People Come To The Internet Just To Find Their Resources,Their Favouritsm Their Fapping Stuff And Their Enthusiasm,They Certainly Did Not Come To The Internet To Get Stones Thrown At Them Or Get Dragged To Be Made Into A Punching Bag,Dramatized And Traumatized,There Are Always The Words That Some People Don't Like Jokes,Nonsense And Fooling Around,You Cannot Force A Person To Take All Your Nonsense,Especially If That Specific Individual Does Not Condone It In Any Way And Any Sense,Reasons You Have Never Met These People,You Don't Know Them At All,You Don't Know Their Limits And How Much They Can Take,So Literally It Gives You Absolutely No Right To Force Your Nonsense Onto People.
    Oh it seems Loda.jp is going to stop their service by the end of March. I guess we will need to find a new image upload service.
    That's pretty funny, gotta combine both incomplete sets to get it all I guess... haha.

    Have you posted the OST yet?
    deep thank all uploads nya! here and other places inside wide wide world nya! ;3 :shake:

    ps ps: me also say hi to familiar peoples looking below! ... somehow chaos overlord and echelonv seem to be looking very familiar somehow ^^" if me wrong may the gods take revenge on me on some thing ^v^"
    in other tru correct case me ... may the gods smile on me and on them for the rest of our lives nya! :3
    I've played a lot of the game so yeah that's how I found out. Actually though you can even look at the getchu page for it, going from left to right, sample 2 and 5 aren't in there, and for the bottom samples 1, 4, and 8 aren't in the ev set either (if that makes sense).

    I mean I know I got it all downloaded, does your ev folder end at image 01397? You'll notice it's kind of weird the pink haired girl only has three scenes herself there (minus the bigger group ones with her and the other girls). The twins sucking on her boobs, then two scenes with her and the slime and it just ends there for me. Very strange...
    Nope! >_<... I double checked and made sure the whole folder fully loaded, refreshed, and everything. But it seems to be missing over half the pink haired girls scenes. Very weird since like you said the other stuff seems to be complete, like the characters images, etc...
    Hmm, I just noticed even this CG set is incomplete (doesn't have all the pink haired girls scenes)...
    Cool, I will look forward to the bonus torrent then! :P

    Also may as well ask, but do you have the OST's for Inyouchuu Etsu, Mouyrou, Hanamaru 2, any of those perhaps? I got the ones for Inyouchuu 1-2 and Kowaku, but not those. Tinkerbell makes some good music though!
    Yes Gc,I'm Here I Told You I Would Only Come Once Or Twice Or Thrice A Month,Mostly During Month's End When The Hgame Wave Begins,Other Than That I Am Always Elsewhere Hanging Around In The Wings Of The Web Airliners.net And It's Branch Sister Sites A380Production^-^

    I Just Came Back From Dubai To Celebrate The New Year Attending The 2012 Fireworks Celebration In Dubai And Enjoying The Singing Fountain,Sorry If I'm Not Speaking To You Much On MSN,I'm Not Well,After I Came Back From Dubai I Developed High Fever,My Body Is Very Sensitive To Sudden Weather Changes>_<

    See You Later And Take Your Time With Those Private Requests I Gave You And Thanks As Usual For All Your Eroge Hgame Releases^-^

    Chaos Overlord XIX
    Nice! Although uploaded.to is banned in the US now... any chance you can upload it somewhere else? Is it a complete CG rip too? I know an incomplete one is floating around...

    Have you seen the OST for it? Someone in another thread who uploaded it claimed it came with the OST separately, I don't see it though...
    eh.. really.?? im 2.2.1... well basis is same.. hahaha... okay.. gud luck from nnow rihgt~~~~ since majikoi S is out... ahahaha... Arigatou GOzaimasuuuu.... now my abandwith all with majikoi... khukhukhu.. (lemon laugh)
    Oh, okay. I was asking, like if someone just takes screenshots while playing the game and then enhances them with a photo editor or if they're like original game files.
    Which email / other thing do you use more often so we can chat without me filling your wall lol.
    Oh, I see.
    I still have 2-3 years left of undergrad. ^^ lol
    I might still have graduate school after, though.
    Are the CG packs you upload legitimate releases or just something someone put together?
    That's good. =] Stay positive.
    Thanks for the nice new year's picture!
    How are things going for you in school/work? Are you still a student -- if you don't mind me asking?
    I still have classes lol. Not much time for galge at all, only downloading sometimes if there's something I'm interested or bookmarking a page.
    Hey girlcelly! Nice to see you here... haha, is this where you jumped ship too?

    Thanks for the 喰ヒ人(くらいびと) torrent, have you seen a CGrip of it anywhere yet?
    ugh,,, hope they don't block torrent too... Gahhh.. my life will be ruined.. no animu.... no galge.. :ohnoes:

    wut.?? europe too..??? why they bother so much in filehosting now..? politics do.>?? more income..?? grrrr...
    Yeah hongfire cracked down so bad there is really no real point in being there unless its the only way to talk to people you know there. and yeah the S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A issue is bad, but whats pissing me off right now is Megaupload just got extradited to the US under huge charges, and Filesonic etc are shutting down, changing rules, banning USA Ip adresses, its a mad house, like 70% of all direct download links just died or where lost.
    Wupload and uploaded.to (USA seems to banned though) and depositfiles works for now but I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow...
    Good work as always girlcelly, Thanks so much.
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