Forgot about that xD Gen 1 to Gen 2 was probably the biggest transition in Pokemon History. But as I said before Gen 2 brought many new stuff that's still being used in today's games. I loved the pokemon in GSC a lot. And I still do :3 Suicune ftw!
I see..well I don't like any of the evolution line but if I had to pick, it'd be Gigalith. He looks pretty bad-ass imo. And pretty strong as well. He's too small to make a ship sink though

Go catch a roggenrolla then, training is pretty easy in Pokemon Y!
I really like Volcarona because of it's looks and it's kinda of overpowered with Quiver Dance but still cool!
To be honest...I don't like either Reshiram or Zekrom. The idea of them having some kind of Turbine is cool but that's pretty much it ._.
When it comes to dragons, my favorite is Dragonair <3 It's so pretty, cute and elegant! So proud to have a shiny one in my Heartgold (along with 2 shiny dratini's :x)
I could use some free dex entries as well

Have 233 in my dex right now. It really bothers me you can only ask for pokemon you've seen on the GTS >_< It did help me quite a bit still. I look for evolution of the pokemon I have as I'm sort of too lazy to train them :x
Watcha doing now? Still breeding stuff?
I got done EV'ing my Bergmite (now an Avalugg) yesterday. All I can say is: DAT DEFENSE
I never expected a new poke to come by with a higher Base Defense stat than Regirock >_>
I mean, you're using pokes not many other chose to use for their first time play-through :3