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  • Yeah I think they meant they will charge you 1 week before then send it, so it might take a while to reach Sweden since it's shipped from the U.S. Also, I don't know if you can download European DLC for a U.S. game :( And since you have a European 3DS make sure you don't buy any U.S. 3DS games because they will not work since the 3DS is region locked, you can only play European 3DS games on it.
    My favourite was Red :fulfilled:
    Its full of memories of my childhood :D

    I heard the last evolution is going to be Poison/Dragon~
    Its more like a Kingdra~ But I don't know if that picture is true~
    I will tell you the whole story when I beat it and spoil everything! Just joking! Yeah I hope you get is soon also, did they tell how when you should receive it?
    Got my D2!! I'm going to play it once I finish my homework. I added you to my 3DS also.
    The data of my Gold got always ereased :deadsad:

    I dont know~ I kinda like it so Im gonna get myself one :)
    I think so too :sigh:
    The games are so short...The first generation somehow felt much longer than the other games since gen IV :/

    I will go for Y :goodtea:
    The Video doesn't really have any spoilers, it just shows the gameplay. I read online that they will have DLC characters from Disgaea 4, Phantom Brave, Hyperdimension Neptunia, and a few other NISA games so that's pretty cool. Don't forget to download the free DLC pack! Yeah Etna and Laharl always were fighting! Maybe they will get along better in D2. BTW, I'm about to leave to pick up my copy of D2!
    I'm sure I will have fun with it! I'm picking it up later today. I liked the classes in Disgaea 1 so hopefully they are all back. I haven't played Disgaea 4 yet, which one is your favorite in the series?
    Same with me, my dad got himself a new family also. I think the D2 OST will be good. Since you ordered the game from the NISA website you will also get a sticker bonus with one of their characters http://store.nisamerica.com/prinnysquad Yeah just make sure you remind your friend so he won't forget to pay you :D I get my D2 tomorrow can't wait!
    Yeah my parents also got divorced when I was young so I am also use to it, my mother never re-married though only my dad did. That's nice of you that you bought Diablo 3 for a friend, hopefully he will pay you back soon though. Yeah I know what you mean about buying disc version of the games, it really makes you feel like you own the game, and I also want the soundtrack that comes with the D2 pre-order.
    Yeah it does suck, but my parents were arguing a lot so it's better that they got a divorce. I am also excited when I see my dad since I don't see him much anymore. Really? Diablo 3 only cost $60 here, and D2 was $50. It might've been a lot cheaper if you bought the digital version of D2 on the PSN Store. Do you have Diablo 3? I have that also we can do co-op in that game. Don't worry I don't type that fast myself either. Okay, have a good night and I will talk to you tomorrow!
    Yeah I had a good time with him, my parents are divorced so I don't see my dad as much as I used to. Wow! $106 for one game? That's crazy! Did you buy the U.S. version of the game? Yeah I already paid for the game at the local video game store over here (GameStop) I just have to pick it up on Tuesday.
    That's good, glad you had a good time. I also visited my dad and his wife over the weekend, my dad lives about 2 hours from where I live. Did you get Disgaea D2? I checked the release date and I think it comes out in Europe before the U.S.
    If there is a character with a damage output like CN and can stun, it would be like the most overpowered character...
    It would be immediately nerfed~~
    not only that they win almost always~
    there are a lot of videos of people playing a character good to say its almost impossible to beat him~
    CBS isnt the only character with some unfair skills~
    and even other character that doesnt have that many "unfair" skills can be played good to make u thinnk that character is too strong~
    I already watched a lot of those videos like all elswords, all aishas, WS, NW, all ravens, all eves, ....okay I didnt look any videos from chung since im not interested in him~
    but all these characters can also be played to make u think its too strong and u dont have a chance against it~~
    rather than thinking they are too strong I would think of how to counter them~~~
    well of course u have to know the pattern of the bosses in the dungeons~
    and u should also be able to evade their attack~
    but in henir and pvp u dont have any potions to heal so u can only gain ur health back with it~

    u cant really see how good a character is through a video~
    there are also a lot of videos about all the other characters that can play without really losing often~
    the only way to see it is to play the character urself~~
    okie dokiee...... see ya.. :D

    yeahh vine whip is 15 i gues...

    mmm mee too.. we must make our chara first.. Mii maker i gues.. software at our 3ds...
    woooooooooooo you are the 1st one say that in my lifeee.... :bigeyes: respect ++

    anw have bought 3ds hino.?? how we can be friends in 3ds..?
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