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    .............. D:
    U stay up until 4 AM? D:
    and then wake up at 10 AM???? D:
    I would feel bad for sleeping only 6 hours...
    it was german >.<
    hmm I would be annoyed for the rest of the day if I would have to wake up early on a day when I could have slept long >.<
    hope I will have time for the event >.<

    hmm I would say Im average~
    I dont think Im good but also not bad~
    so...how are u doing?~
    hmm I know the feeling of putting effort into something and its not getting paid off.....in the end it was a waste :/

    hmm so CBS event should be in DE server soon~

    Im doing fine :3
    just a bit tired cause of all the exams >.<
    Hmm they will make it easier once the cap is lvl 65~

    /me waiting for notice of how good I did :scared:
    hmm Im bad at playing aishas >.<
    eves are easier for me~

    :sigh: I had a exam today....hope it wont be bad :/
    hmm...well there will still be people playing pvp~
    but most of them will be people who are confident and already rised in ranks in the top 50s~
    and beating them will be..... :/

    I want her to be released too~ Oh I see... Ill be starting playing again maybe when CBS event starts or I finished my exam >.<
    Look at the ranking in KR Server.... Its already obvious that EMs are taking the top spots....
    U will be almost always meeting EMs in that rank....
    yep....they will rise in ranks....looking at the ranking in KR server there are mainly elswords and aishas...and a lot of the aishas are EMs....
    no I mean u said to compare CBS with high magicain and electra with EM...
    EMs are stronger than high magicains and CBS is stronger than electra......
    EMs are (after the revamp) stronger than electra and CBS is sronger than hihg magician...
    it should be clear that the chars that did their final job change have the advantage...so why would I compare them?
    nah the EM in S++/SSS dont spam MM.
    just so u know...there are items and sets that decrease ur knock down rate and even gives faster mana reg.
    u are overestimating electra and underestimating EMs...
    and why would I compare EM with CEL? shouldnt it be CBS?
    the difference between CEl and EM and high magician and CBS is....kinda big....
    im not good with >>^z so I use zzz>>^z zzz>>^z or zzz <> zzz <> zzz

    Well but after the revamp mana shouldnt be a problem anymore and instead of running and spamming fireballs/MM it will
    be a spam of other skills that deals tons of dmg~
    The EM right now has a bit of a disatvantage in pvp but there are actually some EMs that reached the rank S++/SSS
    look at the electra D: 4 got S+/SS but none are rank S++/SSS
    I guess its the only class in DE server that has yet to reach the highest rank but with the current skills its hard to do so :/
    not that I have many combos that are going to be useful =.= Im not playing ~

    haha EM~ No mana? Whats that?
    after that revamp EM is going to destroy the pvp~
    Thats why I do other combos
    the combo I mentioned was my longest but I wouldnt do it in real pvp~

    yep its as all the other special actives....
    the current electra is shit in pvp and when changed into CBS she will be stronger but still inferior to othere classes like DW, NW or LK
    no its not easy to start it and its not easy to do it all without mistakes...
    the stun isnt the thing that makes the most trouble....

    TS isnt that op its easy to many break it
    I did it too when I was fighting other electra~ while I only lose 100 mp they lose 250~
    TS is only annoying after the revamp but right now its shit :/ it only works on rank E and D
    In a fight with C+ they can easily escape it :/
    lol my long combo....hiw many times do u think it works? 1 out of 50? 100? 200?
    I almost never able to do the full combe...do u really think its easy without making mistakes?

    TS? well as u can see right now its useless....u can just manabreak so its currently useless...=.=
    lol no it wont aimbot just like that~
    the target has to be near u~
    and CBS isnt that op in pvp as u think~
    CBS is more of a dungeon char than pvp~ Empress and Nemesis are better in pvp
    right now as electra its even harder in pvp since the skills are not really the ones to use in pvp~
    sure thousand stars can make a lot of dmg but u can just mana break~
    right now electra is shit in pvp....
    as CBS yea taser can stun the enemy but its not that fast that u are not able to evade it~
    energy needles....with that skill I can agree with u~ it is strong in pvp and the enemy can almost do nothing against it...
    u can mana breck but yea.....the skill itself doesnt stun but getting attacked like that is almost like a stun~
    Energetic heart isnt really a skill for pvp....u have the 3rd mode so its kinda useless in pvp and takes too much mp~
    quicker and longer dashes....yea okay she can do longer dashes and? that doesnt mean she is too op just because of that
    people always say that she can is always too fast and u cant hit her....lol? I mean to use it and to be able to evade it...its not just
    that easy...electra sucks at combos...she has almost no skills to do combos compared to elsword/rena/raven/chung...
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