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  • It is T__T But I will stop! (Or at least try to)

    If I didn't get in trouble just because I scare them without doing anything v___v It's always me, even if I don't do anything :'D

    I have to work hard next year, I'm just super lazy xD Pi-pi-pillows ~~

    Oh noooo D:

    Yeah, whenever we have to do stuff outside *bloop* and then they're suddenly concerned :'D

    Hm, I'm pretty sure there are people that like it, they just live in another part of Sweden or something? I'm pretty sure I knew someone from a Touhou RP that lived in Sweden but.. :7 I was never really active in there. xD

    My clock was wrong.. A computer clock, how? xD
    Thank you, I had. c:
    Yo hinode
    Yes I did play it on a PSP emulator, it's PPSPP

    Were you asking if the emulator is good?
    Well, no
    The text will be bugged most of the time (text disappearing) and it crashes at random
    But I have no choice since other emulators won't work
    But I want her to stop buying sweets in general.. WE EAT WAY TOO MANY xD

    Well, most teachers think I don't like them or anything? They always ask why I look so scary or if something happened but.. man, it's just my face. xD

    Yaaaa, I've known her for a long time but we won't be in the same classes next year.. she failed this year and has to do it again. . o . (Pillow-hugging, pillow-hugging!)

    Yeah, the trip itself is hell, I know that feeling too well.. but once you're there it's awesome c:

    I'm not someone to be able standing in the sun or heat to long.. x_x My body doesn't like that and goes boop. xD

    I guess that's the same for everyone, you live there your whole life and that's about it, the grass is greener on the other side or... what that was called. xD

    But I'll go to bed now, I'm tired and it's 11:20pm already. ~ We'll sure chat some more tomorrow. c:
    Yesu. ~

    I'm not eating it often, my mum just keeps buying it and we even fight about that, I want he to stop buying but.. xD

    I'll scare them to death ~~ I'm trying to smile more but it just doesn't come out right.. and then I give up on that. But with my best RL friend I can laugh a lot, so that's nice. c: (Go pillow-hugging, go! :'D)

    I think you should really try it out sometime, it'll be a great experience. c:

    Yeah, it's rather hot but I guess the temperature will go down, now that the holidays started. It'll always get bad as soon as there's no school anymore. :7 Well, I don't remember anything from Sweden, there are only those few videos my dad recorded and that's about it, but the house we had there was very cute and my mom told me that our cat always walked along, he even jumped into the water once. xD

    Ah, I'll be careful yes. But my head is strong, it's not that bad. c:
    I'd get used to that keyboard then. c:

    I don't really care about it, it's not that I'm eating much, just a few bites and the pain is .. realtively okay. :'D

    I know quite some people that are like you but I never really had a problem with that.. despite the fact that I have this .. death-look. Apparently I could kill people just by looking at them, like, I was born with that face it's not my fault. .__.
    Hugs are awesome, believe me. c: (Also hugging a pillow and pretending it is someone calms.. at least that works for me.)

    Do that! Meeting people from somewhere else is awesome, I guess? x'D

    I don't know many places.. I'm bad at geography.. uh.. and I like England? My step-sister was there once and she came home with so many pictures and told us how much fun she had, I just like it a bit more than America .. and I'm not someone to get more into the south, the heat here is killing me so how should I live through the heat in .. dunno, greece or something? xD But when I was little, 3 years old by that time, my family was in Sweden. We still have photos and a few videos left, I like watching them, the scenery was very nice there. :3

    Nah, hitting my head just ended in losing to much air and a short "shit, I'm drowning" phase. xD
    And the dungeon itself takes ages if I'm going alone, always with some people. o_o

    Yep, it could be worse. :'D

    There's no sound, just pain. xDDD

    Oh, I'd love to go to a con alone.. I always take someone with me or else I'd have to drag my mum around but... well, it's someone that clings on you and I am someone to look through everything really fast and then settle down somewhere.
    Man, I'm not someone very social but I have those people I know, met them online and it's just this rare possibility to meet them so it's a wonderful experience. But then again, seeing them only once a year is painful.. I just wanna hug you right now, not having people you can meet up with is.. it sucks. .__.

    Yeah, writing xD We always call it the same though.. :'D I'd like to visit Japan someday but that is some dream faaar away. A simple student exchange to England would be nice some time ~
    Yeah, very refreshing to hit my head, of course. xD
    Oooh, I love the field, I spent a whole day there, 1 Level-Up but damn, it was fun. <3

    My keyboard at home has smaller buttons, and this one has really big ones and I tend to hit the wrong button. :'D

    That's the problem! It tastes good but as soon as I eat it my belly says "Oh no, you didn't do thaahaaat?" *rumble* It's not cool. xD

    She has met some of them, since someone has to get me to the cons, but she doesn't know.. Oh, oh those are the same people you are with at a convention where I don't see you, but no, you're not allowed to visit them alone. Na-uh.
    There aren't that many I can go to, most of them are in the west and upper north of Germany and I'm near the Alpes..alps.. x_x It's expensive and time-consuming, but I try to visit those cons where most of my friends go to c:

    Oh sure, add me on Skype ~ c: I'm just a bit awkward with constantly talking english, so it could take some while for me to answer. :'D I went swimming a few hours ago, hit my head, but it was very refreshing c:
    I'll remember that for my next round! It's against bots anyways. :'D

    She is a bit underleveled though.. I should start leveling the others that are around 25 first.. but naaah. xD

    Well I got them to get home on saturday so I get all my cards on sunday = u = And I am allowed to get onto the computer! That isn't even correct english, is it? xD
    Now that you mention you don't have a mic.. I forgot to bring mine here so even if I was able to join into calls I couldn't speak and I'm not used to this keyboard at all. xD
    Yes, I am younger, and I can't cook, I never tried. I can bake though, the best brownies in this whole family! (And there's chocolate, I'd just eat sweets all the time, I guess. And then complain about getting fat. That's totally me, I'm not even allowed to eat chocolate, my body goes BAM if I do and I have to think about what I've done, why I did this to myself. :'D) I'm not allowed to do that because all of them are pedophiles.. like.. I have no idea what my mum thinks but.. "Oh hey, I met this nice girl online, I even met her at a conventon can I visit her in the holid-- NO; SHE'S EVIL" Heck, I have no idea.

    I'm already there now. c:
    I have like.. 5 champs myself? And good with playing are 2, Caitlyn and Ashe. Ever since I started I would always play Ashe and dayum I was good, then I waited for a long time to get Cait and now I can't stop playing her. (And I really do like Annie.. I'm just no good with her, or Tristana. Don't let me get started about Katarina or Kayle, I have them but I'm no good with people that have to be right beside the enemy. x_x)

    The Krypta, welp. I think that one's not even half that bad as this thing with 3 flower-whatevertheyare-things, where you have to kill them by the same time or something. I died there so much.. sooo much, I can't even go into other dungeons anymore, if I die I'm dead. (This somewhat flying dinosaur-thing, I hate it. .3.)
    Those quests are ridiculous, I swear. :'D It would be nice to play Ara but I'd have to make a new account and for that a new mailadress. .__. 4 ACCOUNTS ARE ENOUGH ALREADY

    Uh, I don't know, I'm not a big fan of fish in general so .. I could never do that, no. xD My dad said I can use his old computer-thingie he has there and I was allowed to install Skype so.. at least I can read them the day AFTER my birthday, I'm not allowed on the computer on Sundays anymore . o .
    Go ahead, how old do you think I am? ~ And that is not the problem, my mum is afraid that something might happen, like, the kitchen could catch fire or something, and I'm home alone as I'm underage without parents or anything and that would bring trouble. (Besides.. if I'm home alone, there are no chores to be made, I wouldn't eat a thing so none of that, I've got enough clothing for 3 weeks and I know how to handle a washing-machine .. maybe someday I'll be allowed to stay home or visit people that are older than I am.. =A=)
    yup cold weather is the best^^

    nah just dont feel like it~
    not that much anymore
    and for real...I dont lvl that fast~ its just I wanted to catch up to u~
    thats why I was on the field playing in groups to lvl faster~
    I can lvl and dont have to worry about stamina~
    but after that......nah the feeling of stoping playing for a while~
    today I play 2 runs GoD and only pvp matches~
    naahh no matter what...I hate hot weather~

    I wont catch up to u that fast~
    I will probably stop playing elsword for a while too~
    " I've never really taken a liking to Alice in general so I don't have that kind of interest." Me neither. I don't like her that much. xD

    I've had LoL for.. 3 years now and I'm only 17 .. I'm not playing that much :'D

    High Magician ~ And I love the fact that you can just slice through everything with Nemesis, taking long is not my thing, I want to be finished fast!

    Well, it's not that great. We own a caravan..(that word though) and we've been going there since ever when there were holidays or anything, this is the fifth year in a row now and.. I don't like that place very much?? It's just .. ugh. Super hot and slow connection, I can't skype with anyone + my birthday is in a week and I can't even meet with the few real life friends that are near. :c I'm too young to stay home alone but 3 weeks of a 6 week vacation in this same place, I will die. xD
    nahh~ or maybe I would but nahh~ I get too lazy to do it after a while~
    lvling up is tiring and takes up a lot of time~
    yep its even hotter :(

    hope ur pain will get away soon :3

    I will play later~ Im lvl 49
    I didnt play yesterday~
    hmm mwaah I dont know if I should play elsword or not right now :/

    hmm but still.....a fridge.......I want it cold now since its so hot right now~
    I love Alice's Theme from.. 5 was it, right? Alice is not someone I really like herself, but the Pc-98 Alice was cute. Especially after some Doujin with her, it was really cute, it supported this theory that the Windows Alice is a controlled puppet and everything, but sadly I don't know the name. :c

    I'm on Europe West, at least that's what LoL says. xD

    Well, I was best with Aisha when I first started but now it's Eve, the Nemesis Eve. ~ Now I want to play but my family is going on a trip and the veeeeery bad internet connection won't let me download or play it ever. D:
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