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  • Well in the beginning it takes long to make money~
    But later u can buy things for 30kk and earn 50kk~~
    Hmm i buyed avatar sets and sold it more expensive?
    Not only Avatar sets~ just find some items that Looks good and buy it~
    Later sell it for more~
    The give good stats and often looks better than the item shop Avatar?
    There is archangel set right now but I cant get it ;_;
    The item shop......
    I dont think people spend money on the beta so.......
    How do u get the item? Do u get the coins with quest?
    Well i mean the servers are almost the same?
    U entered a german guild?~
    They have shit voices?
    *hehe* It's fine. Take your time to find out and tell me eventually. :)

    And I can't fall back to sleep again as I'll be playing tennis again in about an hour or two. Need to loosen up my body.

    Here's a link to what I was watching:


    EVO Championships hosts multiple fighting games. The venue takes place for a total of three days (and started yesterday). EST time zone, so the stream will continue much later today.
    Hello there, Hinode! It's fine. You can call me whatever you want. Whichever makes it easier for you, I guess?

    *lol*...Glee...That's definitely not a fruit. =w=

    I'm doing fine, but lacking a bit of sleepy today since I stayed up all night for a fighting game stream. Mostly just my neck hurting since I started to lie down on my bed and watch with my head turned/tilted. But at the end of the day, it isn't much of a problem. :goodtea:
    I wouldn't say much, but the ticket costs quite a bit itself. Plus if I find something I might just want to buy it~
    Well, I wouldn't say knowing how to, I know it just a bit. The really small basics. I tend to watch since its a bit funny, but also quite helpful expecially the Riot tourneys.
    I'm fine with Pokemon, why would I find it too childish? ^w^

    Maybe you ate something wrong? Or perhaps a bit of a lack of sleep..
    Well even if it begs me to get one, I won't get one. Need to save money for the oncoming anime-con.
    I can't remember that honestly, Its been at least 3 years since I first beat any extra stage.
    I guess I'm too offensive really.. Plus, most of the other people I know prefer to play ADC so I'm fine with that. Jungler is.. a bit easier for me, since I've had my friends teach me a bit. And I tend to watch a stream of this jungler who's a pro.

    And glad to know it went all away, I was a little worried~

    Ah okay, thankies for telling me~
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