Dugtrio! I forgot that one. I always have it in my team :3 Be it Yellow or Fire Red. And it's pretty strong since you can catch around lv 26 :O
Snivy is just only good with it Dream World Ability in my opinion. Physical based Serperior seems kinda weird, even with Coil/Leaf Blade.
lol at Pikachu! It was just fun having it around :3 But he would get replaced with Zapdos after I catch it. And Pikachu in Yellow is fat xD The starters were nice to have around. At least you always had Fly/Surf around so I didn't need to get Pokemon for just those moves. But yea, the play through was indeed a bit easier with the 3.
It's not that I really like Legendaries. Most of the are good for competitive battling since they tend to have better stats. And some looks Awesome (Suicune <3) My love for Suicune came from Pokemon Crystal :3
Well..Moltres' design could be better but I still like it, more than Zapdos actually. Articuno is the prettiest.
Well..Water..is the base of Life and as for electric types..Not really sure why I like them. Maybe because I like electricity. Connecting power outlets and making lamps and stuff is what I do a lot too xD
It would make sense that it's higher for bots. The game needs to troll you at a certain level. The problem is that they troll you at times when you need it the least >_>
Unfortunately yea, it's a breeding move but it's worth it ^^ 558 attack or 508 (depending on the nature) after a Dragon Dance is something to be scared of. More so with Adaptability!
Of course the pokes it hits for neutral depends on the moveset. If it has Crabhammer/Crunch/Super Power, there's no safe switch-in. Even something like Skarmory should think twice :o