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  • Nah, just want to show you, since I got translation of them from you who happen drop by at the nice timing ^^

    Anyway, look like you forgot about translate the song I sent you quite long ago ! *slap* *kuku*
    Ah, you are right, conversation on Japanese boards ^^

    Last sentence, that is password hint to unlock some text files, with your translation, password should be "超電磁砲" but it is not work...Do you come up with something ? :O
    Nah, as long as it is good enough for Japanese to understand what I am meaning, I am fine with it ^^

    I still need some more translation :P





    F22 is a name if you are wonder

    btw, do you know what does "私のトリップの フルネーム 漢字4文字" mean ? I think he is mention something about name or so, in case you are need, his name is 超電磁砲_みさか
    Hi Ignis, it is ok, it is a weird bug. I sure hope it is not affecting many people.
    Oh, I did not know talking about health is impolite in Japanese :P

    If you said so, I think that is perfect one since I know your Japanese is pretty good ^^

    Ah, I forgot one line, hope you do not mind :P

    Here is my present before we are separate each other, nothing much, it is just a song but it show my hearts
    Um...I just wonder that your translation, is the meaning as close as my English message ? I want make sure those Japanese words can describe most of what I am trying to say :)

    Anyway, do you know tagging software which can works with almost audio files, especial Wav, because I tried with a lot of like Mp3Tag, TagEditor...But none of them work with Wav files although they say in the review that it will ! lol
    Wow, that was fast ! As expected from Ignis-chan ^^

    And now, this is harder thing, help me translate this message to Japanese, more formal more better ^_^

    You said it were short time but if I remember correctly, the first time I saw your uploads were 2 years ago, around June or July in 2010

    You were one of uploaders who always try your best in the whole time for sharings. Life and work is hard, sometimes I wonder how you can make it that long...Your heath is getting worse, it is easy to understand, because you are hard working person who put your hearts and efforts for every single upload...

    Thinking to move and get a new job, then live a lifestyle with more care for my health ? It is decent decision for your situation right now. As I said in my previous message ( if you have not read it yet ) when you said you are back to home after hospitalize not long ago, health is more important, it is something that you can not buy even when you have plenty of money...

    As a fan, I am really appreciated your sharings

    As a co-worker ( I am also an uploader ), I am really admired your hard working

    As a friend ( although we are not know each other much ), I am understand and respect your decision

    As a random person in file-sharing network, my thankful to all of everything you had done for other's sake

    God bless you

    Please take care of yourself as much as possible, I wish you all the best in life and work to you and your family

    Once again, thank you very much for your coming to file-sharing network and stick yourself together with us in a long time

    PS: Do not say like this is your last message, I hope to hear from you again in another day ( if you have chance to drop by ) to tell that you are still fine and doing good in your new life

    Best regards,
    Um...Ignis-chan, help me translate this one, with my limitation Japanese, I only understand some parts of it...>_<




    happyyyyyyyyyyyy halloween........
    hey ignis quick question?

    how long does the trial uploader status last for?

    I been stuck in limbo for months XD

    but uploaded a manga recently.
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