Santa isn't creepy!

Thank you! :) I don't celebrate it either, but it was a nice and relaxing day

Also belated, but happy New Year! I hope you're having a healthy and prosperous 2017 ^^

How did you know that I can't English?
Her songs are always so beautiful ^^ I usually use Pandora or TuneinRadio, so I listen to a mix of songs in different languages, depending on the station. Although I listen to English and Japanese songs the most, but I don't really pay much attention to the song title or the artist, unless I really happen to like it. I don't even pay attention to the lyrics. Music lovers would hate me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What kind of songs do you listen to the most? (Genre and language-wise.)
Oh no, I was referring to the spell that'll turn them into coal
No. Kind. Of. Case. Whatsoever.
I'll pass on that as well
Someone get me a knife (ಠ‿ಠ)
Why did I ask...? :miku_depressed:
Vel-chan does not adore senpai. Her adoration is all for her husbando, Lavi.
I see, well goodnight Mr. Maintenance Man! Oh, and be careful of the lurker on the roof!
I don't think she wants to listen to your excuses, senpai ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
I'm... I'm not surprised (  ̄ー ̄)
May your next victim that poor soul be okay :lapi_down:
That's not consent! My hand was forced! :crushed:
Can someone resurrect me? :gokiko_white: