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  • Heh ? Nani sore ? O_o

    Um...I can do small conversation with Japanese teacher, of course if what he said in grammar that I already learnt ! ^^

    My biggest problem is only Kanji...If I could memorize all of them, I may become perfect student ! *kuku*

    Nah, Win 7 don't satisfying me...XP Epic Win ! *wahahaha*
    Yeah right, now I wonder how you will define "pure and innocent" O_O"

    Why not? Just let the temptation lure you in and you'll be fine~

    I've heard it too many times ._. it's like being tortured to death. Either that or tortured alive forever... scary ._. but heh, you're "pure" (Notice the quote). And I presume you haven't made anymore progress on your girl since our last conversation on the topic O_o
    Since when? Lol the first time I know you I've mistook you for a girl, and everyone still trolled you like crazy that time xD
    Let's say it just takes more effort '_'
    I won't >.>" or more like almost. And, phew D:

    But not enough to keep me amused~
    Haha I would have been here earlier but I was really busy with uni.
    Mid term exams suck >.>

    I guessed AS might be up when I saw you retired xD

    And after a few days we were trolled by wat. I figured it was fake since things didn't really fit >.< (though I still sent you a lame PM >.<)
    More worrying was that there was a volcano erupting in the middle of your island...

    Sooo ~ how have you been lately? xP

    PS I won't spam you with VMs, promise :3

    Oh and awesome Profile pic as always xD
    It's especially true when that little bunch of people have, ahem, same interest...

    Spank me and I'll moan! :O

    Well, maybe you care for everyone so much. Too much that you'll give an update about yourself from the ICU xD
    Hmm yeah I've had suspicion that the news on SH was fake; it's been all cool in here, but provided that everyone just kept their mouth shut, I ended up getting tricked anyway :x

    To say hi to your little siscon troll-ers! :D
    But it seems you've all make up into a solid team O.o I remember that time when I mistakenly address coro as a random stranger lol~

    Yup... well, at least he give us spammers an objective: to kick him off his 100% o.o

    But wat seemed close enough to you '_' that's why I was really shokku when I heard you "have" it... and he tricked us... me, splendidly alright =_="

    And if so... then why were you demoted? Got bored? lol :D
    It's fixed.

    Ugh, it is supposed to be either your job or coro job to fix these problem actually, not mine O-o

    Till you get your asses in gears, I'll give you the control

    Btw, your profile pic, is that Sana? *Holding a combat knife*
    And that "Alliance Member" is those who visit the chat box frequently, huh? O_o

    Indeed it is xD like coro who have maintained his 100% activity~

    Don't mind that ^^;

    Yeah. My heart actually skipped a beat that time, and it seems that other clueless members had fallen for the trap too~
    Ignis, hw u make ur own multiple post on top of a thread ? sry i am new at using forum functions

    cant find in faq and google doesnt help much ~
    Guess he love arts~
    It's a feeling i get, it's like I'm not really welcomed >_>
    Strict rules aren't that good sometimes D:

    I..It's not like i like you or anything! LOL
    I haven't even take the first step >_>
    I'm learning to encode videos and how to do sigs now, so I'm still not sure about the basics x_x

    I also need to do this in 2 separate messages~
    It's best not to kill the cat >_>
    Yeah, those guys are just heartless. I know guys love their pride but they are different.
    Girls are easily affected by whatever a guy does, even the smallest thing!
    Well, if the girl really likes that guy a lot, they would forgive the guy time and time again but the guy would just end up being ignorant unless the girl speaks up :o
    LOL, you don't see tsundere outside nowadays. Rarely i would say :D

    Yeah! I had to agree with you on that part >_>
    It's like they're gifted, so i guess they don't even need to spend much time on it.
    To me, such talents exist because they had touched on it their previous life (If you believe in such things) and therefore has been brought forward to their present life.
    It's alright~ I don't mind people asking things about me, this helps people to bond with one another ^^
    & yeah, I'm a girl (:
    Guys just 'Oh alright, I'll go with this and I'm ready to go.' Convenient :\
    I..it's nothing! Really!
    There are some guys that act this way, actually a lot.. but am glad to see that Iggy isn't one of those guys! ^^

    Learning something new everyday makes you hyped up :D
    Learning the concepts first then learn how to improve it is the way right? ^^
    It's like choosing what clothes you're gonna wear if you're going out today, i usually take an hour >_>
    But that's cool xD

    I guess he's really doing it everyday x_x
    Nah, i don't really like the people over there.
    They're like kinda off to strangers and not open about it? Is what i think.

    You're rejecting me, aren't you? ):
    Lol I know that mechanism... well I just wanna find out if I can hit that mod seat blindfolded xD

    Indeed. You don't need one... yet.

    That's a cute way to reject me xD lol yeah hmm =_="

    ...that explains the disappearance of your news today ._.
    Hu..huh? What 7 years? Nothing nothing~ XD
    Every guy will always show their childish side in front of their girlfriends, so don't worry bout that too much ^^

    But you practice on it everyday for those 2-3 moths do you? o_o
    Choosing a suitable render takes an hour.. >_>
    Yeah i saw his sigs o_o
    I'm from SH but not active at there at all due to lots of people whom-i-dont-really-wanna-know. XD

    C'mon, don't be shy~ LOL.
    19... that's like 7 years >_>
    I guess being childish is good because they don't like to face reality and doesn't like to be stressed out ^^
    So i guess I'm still childish XD

    I guess it will take me half a year to actually learn this..
    I'm slow at learning stuffs like this D:
    But at least you're able to do sigs, so i guess that's alright yes? ^^
    Oh, soso? He does some nice sigs >_>

    I shall call you sensei then, LOL.
    No >_> What I mean is being an uploader for many places puts me at risk faster then your average pirate. And since I'm not getting anywhere in the uploaders team(Since I originally planed to be a mod sooner or later so I could quit) I think I should give up soon. Like after New years or something.

    lol yeah well nobody taugh me how to upload or be a mod ether :P But since you've done these things you know more as it is >_>

    ROFL OMG xDDDDDDDDDDD No >_> Is that from I robot? xD
    I guess i've a lot to learn~
    But most of the sigs you do end up nice right? ^^
    I actually read the whole thing xD
    Thanks Iggy-sensei~ :D
    It's a feeling i get from you >_>
    But.. you're still young right? ^^ So don't worry about being called old!
    Hmm, i guess the way people type on convo tells a lot about them xD

    Looks easy.... D:
    How long did it took you to understand it and actually be able to do this?
    I'm an uploader for more places then one. Get it? >_>

    Yes, I've reported a lot as well. I mean the other stuff like vB knowledge >_>

    lol I guess so.

    Yes I prefer robots over humans :P Any objections? xD
    Ohhh ..
    Idk, you just sound or looked tired to me >_>
    Hey Iggy, can you teach me how to make nice sigs? ^^
    It's okay ^^
    Alright Iggy~
    Btw are you feeling okay? o_o
    You sound tired <_<
    lol I was a wannabe mod when I joined remember? >_> I don't think I'm getting anywhere except getting closer to a C&D now so I'm thinking about giving up soon.

    lol I'm not an admin so I don't know about that o.o but yes there are a lot of bugs.

    Oh shi- Anyway it's not like I nor my parents care. Plus it's only for another five months :P

    Weird she did a lot of voices for other anime to. That's true but I'll be waiting for the software that makes voices. And that's better then Anna and Sam of course :P
    Well, still don't know many ppl here. maybe i should spend some time here first.

    and is it me or do you rly sound like an old man now?
    if you need any help you can call me anytime. good luck and see you when i see you. mata ne~
    I see... well I guess they won't be looking for a new S-mod if you planned on returning someday.

    lol and vice versa xD

    Yup. I want to see if we can add manga raws as well but there are a lot of bugs to work on it seems. I made a hentai section just so we could add hentai raws also by the way. But we upload in the main page.

    lol well then it's obviously going to be Yumi Shimura. Of course she does other things like anime and Arcana hearts to. But I'm more into 2D anyway :P
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