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  • *waits for you to come back,in front of your door~*
    I think Digimon is only getting a PS4 release in the west, but I could be mistaken.
    Yeah most PS3 games are gonna run like shit when ported to the Vita which is why I'm gonna avoid a Vita port of P5 if they make one. Hopefully they add everything to the PS4 version even if that means paid DLC. I'm just hoping for a fun game.
    Only issue I have if they make Persona 5 on Vita would be its quality. To get a PS3/4 game of that size to run properly on the Vita they will have to trim it down considerably most likely, they might add a few things, but they will be forced to remove a lot also similar to Persona 3 on PSP where they had to strip it down to a visual novel style to run properly. The Vita is a lot more powerful then the PSP, but they will still have to cut the game back somewhat for it to run on the Vita.
    It's all because I love you,ba~ka
    :nekopara_ng::nekopara_hug: i love seeing people happy who's important to me~
    You're always so sweet and adorable~
    Remember the time I told you that I felt like I know all of you~?That still goes on~and its cute feeling~I feel like your heart is very lovely,and others cant see how precious it is..~:fulfilled:
    I'd want to try,it'll be good memory for the generation~
    Lol i wonder if people still do that tradition xD its cute tho ~
    You can cook and the most important you said you'll eat whatever I make..that actually made me really happy~:fullblush:
    Is that the truth~? *really asking x3*
    I'd marry you,not gonna lie:lmao:


    :surprise::surprise::surprise:E-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!?!!?!:puniko_surprised: you're the one who's baka making me confused like this!:nekopara_blush:
    Maybe im wondering but ...are you trying to make say 'I'll marry with you~" ?:reallyconfused: lol that'd be shocking owo
    *lol what are you sayingxD*
    Is that why you bite my head and try to make me forget what I saw?If its then,I'll forget it:goodtea:
    You're talking like I stole your virginity tho
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