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  • Dont be sad dont be sad now *pat pat* I bought you pizza,heard you were hungry..:fulfilled:

    /me smiles bright and takes a selfie front of the broken chandelier and the door then hashtags it '#at the crime scene!' :menft:
    Ah right sorry~!


    /me kicks the door and says " A SPECIALLL DELIVERY FOR INFAAA~"
    *ding dong* A special delivery for Infa~
    good day blueblue :runhappy: I like cheese haha though it makes me fat ~
    I can live without spicy food :bliss:

    what ya mean cannot handle it well?
    If you have to skip them it must pretty boring then. Guess I'll do Sena's route too and maybe another one if I like another character.

    Fair enough. I can't bring up the attention to play for more than 2 hours or something. I get distracted easily when on the comp so.. yea.. It makes me much slower with VNs. Oh and there's anime to watch too :3
    Noted. Maya and Sena's.

    She's cute alright but boobs too big for my taste :korokke_hole:
    Oh I see, you can send that one over too then x3

    YOU WHAT!? :surprised: Damn it bro, y u so fast D: No but seriously, are you that fast of a reader just don't do anything else besides VNs in your spare time? Just curious :3
    I don't play that many Vns and when I do, I slowly plow through. I can't keep my attention for too long if it's not entertaining enough. I mean, I still haven't finished KoiRizo, which is so much shorter than Noble Works >_>
    Nah, I don't think I'll do just 1 route. At least 2 I think~
    Oh well, nothing I can change about that then x3

    Hmm.. I actually prefer the latter. There's nothing in the way of her. The other one has that little pervert standing in front of her legs.
    I can safely assume you already started playing Noble Works. How's the VN? I'll play it after I finish Koisuru natsu :3
    *beats you in a game*
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