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  • Don't you have a stationairy computer? :/ Laptops have a tendency to get warm if they stay on for too long :/
    Of course ^^ Doesn't all women have some inner rage? ^^

    I'm off to watch TV so I'll answer later! :bye:
    Meh, you have to like bears though :/ You have to admit that they're fluffy and cuddly ^^
    I dunno :/ I guess that you can't download it then D:

    Yeah, they're cute aren't they? ^^
    Sure, why not ^^

    Snakes are cute ^^ Lizards work as well! The best pet would be a bear or a walrus! :runhappy:

    Oh, btw. didn't you say something about joining NA server on Elsword? :/
    a present for her to watch u eat it :P

    and ur a nice daughter arnt u :D

    what type of cake?
    lol u and ur cake and i can understand that

    and im good feeling better now its mothers day so only did some stuff with mum
    mum and dad smoke but mum is quiting it, i hate the smell of it to tell u the truth......
    The superpower of a bottomless stomach maybe. xD
    The people here are weird & can be a bit rude. One of my neighbors likes to stand outside his apartment at 5am and scream "KYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" for twenty minutes -_-;
    yeah i never really drink...... only on important stuff i do

    really shouldnt do it my body aint strong for that or smoking....... thats why i stay away from it
    yeah should not drink alcohol.... i cant take it anymore without getting sick, always was a light drinker
    and thanks ill should be better tomorrow
    ok im might head off, im rather sleepy and sick as well, some rest may do me some good
    Haha, no way. I'd hate for him to get out here though. Some mean old woman likes to put out these little cat traps and take them to the pound :(((
    Also, he's too squishy to survive out there alone. xD (He's snobby too.. )
    LOL. My cat (his name is Barnsworth) will look out of the big sliding door windows and start running on them, trying to get out. It's to no avail of course. Escape here is IMPOSSIBLUH (South Park reference). He'll even sit at the door, planning for his escape the next time it opens. XD
    It is. He's a bit of a nuisance. He'll do something he knows he's not supposed to and then be so happy in his own little world then he'll notice me staring at him angrily and run away xD
    Haha, yeah, he's big and fluffy. Probably really bad for allergies. >_< He's probably at least 15lbs in weight
    He's been adopted by like 3 different families so I feel bad about giving him away :(
    We put an ad in the newspaper. Otherwise, we're just asking around
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