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  • * Shinseph wanders into Jezzy-chan.
    Thats what i meant.~
    3rd party uploads section sounds awesome :)
    Can you help me keep track of them? The only list I have are the official uploads
    Oh indeed I need help~ XD
    I need your opinion on this, about those request that weren't added in the upload section, Should I add them in the index or not?
    Sorry for the late reply, I wasn't at home for 3 days ~
    It's okay, just really hot. Its super country here though, went to a fair the other day and they had bull riding and people selling goats and weird stuff like that. I'm from Chicago so that stuff is kinda strange to me lol.

    I took my nephew, and his 2 friends to comic con yesterday. It was my first time going, was so much fun. I will post pics later.
    I like some deeper thoughts perhaps. I like that too, sometimes I just lay down at anytime of the day I feel like, just to ponder. A certain person once said
    something along the lines: "the greatest ability of the human mind, is to be able to focus on one thing for an extended period of time"
    But thats something of a luxury today.

    I would qualify for both a dreamer and thinker.

    Yeah, bit typical of me, as if my body is secretly synced with a different timezone. It's Sunday now so, my wish for you is that you had a good weekend
    in return, may it have been restful.

    And, there's something else; that would feel good getting off my heart.

    I'm actually for the most part only planning on to try out Samy's MG and finish some kind of entry in Rena's video contest. Before I'll eventually
    retract myself more away from here and the world, to prepare for more serious times ahead.

    I guess I'm kind of a rare person to find around here. And I'm sorry for writing such a lengthy reply. Not everyone likes them so
    long and "convoluted". It snowballed a bit, seems I have a nasty habit of doing it once I start. Don't worry about having to
    reply in detail to all this stuff jfyi. :nekopara_greet:
    Wanted to answer you right away last time, but was to tired back then. Now it feels like I have just slept for 3 days straight.

    Eheh, rly~ I hope that being cute can be considered a good thing then. I've gradually gotten the impression over some years
    that girls see it more of 'just' a weakness. All though; that is also true since it can give vulnerability in some ways :o_O: while not in others.

    I dread that feeling. At least if it's a permanent feeling of playing catch up. Therefore I'm sry to hear, hope it doesn't get
    stressful. ~The only downside of not working in a structured environment. Kudos to you.

    I'm super sure it would (Y) I think the problem would be that now that you could find all the time you'd ever want in this dimension, you
    might get so lazy about doing anything, and end up just putting things off indefinitely :p You'd come back barely a second after you left
    this world, after having spent 500 years in that alt dimension, and your a completely different person, then you realize that you still
    haven't actually done what you set out to do in the first place.

    huhuh How did you xD ..~know. I thought I wrote some of that stuff quite a while back. Yes I do know how to appreciate things like
    that, like the warmth of the sun, how it warms all over, I love that. Like lying stretched out on the balcony in the sun and falling
    asleep there ^. I don't really find time to do it too often, that probably only makes me like it even more. Like have you ever looked at the moon before with binoculars when it's full in perigee~(closest to earth) You can see such details under the right conditions.
    Creating a LPW. Very late reply, sorry... Not really active on the forum anymore
    Good to hear Jez ^^
    If I remember right (probably not.. :deadsad:) you work at a computer store or something similar? :0

    Haha I see, thanks :3 Well..whenever I make a signature I use 1 or 2 of the colors from the character render and use variations of them, like lighter or darker.
    Still a personal thing and doesn't always work.. What do you use to make your signature? ^^

    About me..nothing much else to say really. Just managing through every day life. A full tie job isn't always THAT fun.. Can be tiring.
    Thank you jezebel for accepting^^ how are you??

    From now own I shall show you my True perverted ecchi colors:samuraihero:

    you shall be astonished and when the time comes you shall fall for me~:lmao:
    *barges in Jez' profile* :3

    We haven't talked much outside of LPW so..I thought I'd stalk/spam your profile now :ninja:
    How's my dear Jez doing? ^^
    Ah..dawh :gakuran_cute: tohoi, plz, carefull, I'm one of those sentimental boys you know. Then I'm honored.

    Ah yes, well not class, I'm just self studying. Been teaching myself some now and then at a rather slow pace. I'm a bit unstructured, and get distracted by so many other things. It always boils down to time. So that even though I apparently have so much if it, it somehow just blows away. Yeah cough* time flies.

    Exactly !!! ;.; I just sometimes wish to myself that sleep would be voluntary, then I would be quite happy to just stay up 24 hours a day and get sooo much more done. No actually better, I have sometimes imagined how it would be like to create my own dimension, where I could stay for as long as I wanted. And as long as I was in that alternative dimension, time in this world would stand still. I could literary study for 7 years and then come back here to this world barely a second later after I left it. :P (plus in that dimension that you create, all the rules are made by you, that means sunny gardens or gloomy mansions in the night as much as you want it, oh gezz, I would probably end up doing a whole lot of gaming and anime watching instead lol. Cause I would have all the time I wanted to postpone everything else, so no pressure)

    Yeah seems we are both primarily night active. Me neither, so much so that sometimes I just stay up until next night instead~ The quiet nights can be very serene also. At least if you don't live in a city. Cause then you can watch the moon and stars, and "listen" to the stillness at times.

    Thanks, I think I did. /me checks what day it is today >< Have a good Thursday~ I don't remember if your before or after me. As far as I noticed just that your 12 hours to either side.
    Oh ! Hi dearJez, I honestly didn't notice your accept ><

    Thank you for accepting. Cute profile pic you got there too. May you be well. And I'll probably see you around some more depending on how much I drop by the forums.

    >Night time for me now so, I'll at least sign of the forums, and maybe hopefully find time for a few Japanese lessons or something. *I "hate" going to bed with the feeling of not having done at least something that feels worthy of doing.

    Sleep tight, whenever it comes for you :nyanmusu_night:
    Hi hi my dear Jezebel~

    Thank you for accepting my invite~

    I hope we can be good friends and learn more from one another.

    I think you and Saki-chan make a great pair! Not only do you work well off with each other as professionals in terms of the Otome Corner, but you two are just like sisters... to my eyes at least.

    I also noticed you give out sweets. I always feel tempted to eat them, but I shall not~ Save it for the others.

    See you later and rest when needed.

    Sweet present!

    That's right, I remember you told me you weren't getting Smash Brothers because it was a button masher, I forgot, sorry. :nekopara_hurt:

    Wow, sounds really busy, but seems like you enjoy your work so that's always good.

    My classes are going well, I'm taking only online classes this semester since I will be visiting my brother, and his wife and kids for a while. I haven't seen them in a very long time since he is in the Air Force and moves around a lot.

    Texas is always hot and humid everyday I hate that. I am in San Antonio and all they have here is a bunch of bars. The culture in Texas is a built around drinking, and going to bars which I don't care for since I don't drink a lot, I have the occasional wine, but I'm definitely not a heavy drinker.

    My nephew is having a blast playing destiny on my PS4 though. My niece and nephew have gotten so big since I've seen them last.
    Hey, are you getting Smash Brothers for 3DS? Comes out in a few weeks. Cool that they added Lucina, and Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening to the cast of characters in Smash Brothers.

    Anyway, so what's new? How's the job going?
    Hello Jezebel!
    Looks like the Amnesia Special edtion by Ataraxia is down.
    Do you still have the tokutens?
    Thank you so much Jezebel ~! I will take note of your list in case someone's uploads go down.
    Thank you so much for having a backup!
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