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  • note what I gave you was the simplest sig you can make :p

    its a good starting point from there you can go to google and learn how to render you own images and learn how to render your own backgrounds.

    from there you can learn you use existing backgrounds and change it in to a format you like.
    1) go to google pick an interesting background you like, then save it
    2) Go to photoshop and open the background in there
    3) open a new file with the dimension 500 by 300
    4) select the entire background and paste in the 500 by 300 box you just opened you have to make sure the rectangle button in the tool bar
    is pressed in order to select it
    6)Voila Instant background
    7) now open the png image I gave you, resize it to a size you want
    8) Select it and cut it and paste it in the 500 by 300 box you created
    9) now you can move position the image where ever you like, when done anchor image (make sure your the cursor button on the toolbar beside photoshop is pressed to move it
    10) now click the letter A image and create your name in any format you want
    11) new sig all done
    kuki I gave you png meaning you use to photoshop to make a sig with it XD


    the second one is easier for you to use

    all you have to do it cut it and paste it

    you don't have to render it at all.

    let me tell you how to do it

    change your display picture and use this png in a sig.

    Well.... For you is Female MC..... For me is dual language.... Some of eng. acting suck.... And damn you Bandai Namco.... Released Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave in English already with dual language.... I don't want another Naruto Ninja Storm game..... :raging:
    I lost all confidence on Atlus.... They're seem to not want to give what the fan want..... Just like namco bandai with the tales games....
    Hmm dont have to cook and whatnot xD So yeah... Theyre not going too kick me out for quite a while anyway xD
    It all Atlus fault.... They don't want dual language.... So NISA got no choice but to comply....
    The EU ver. is being distributive by NISA so it thought it would have dual language, but it isn't....

    I just found out the US ver. is gonna come from Atlus US, so no dual language either....

    Heard the dub suck.... Might import it then.....:sigh:
    It does? o.o But i thought accounting would be decent... well here its quite decent... :x

    So living off parents or something then? xD
    Accounting... that pays well doesnt it? xD Two years... hmm have been living off the whatever government stuff?
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