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  • R
    well it said wrong then you have to type it right be sure check twice

    here the name Ralium was born my password is pretty easy even a 5 years old kid can enter
    play then username,password then server then volla begins
    lol so you checked your email for a message from them could be??
    yep just type this on google then you'll know^^
    hmm mmd.........

    im fine thank you ,wanna play??
    in a bad way:deadsad: okay how are you??what are you doing??how was your day??
    :reallyconfused: is it in a good way or a bad way?? lol
    well... if you're asking after the first quest, all i did was take a look around the whole school... by doing that i get my hands full of quest! all i have to do was just completing them. if you're fluent in japanese, you can come to the flower garden and asking other player!
    no... you can't add friend by just writing the names... and i don't quite remember about the angel quest you're talking about... i've don't hundreds of quest!
    are you playing now??if so lets meet infront of the angel statue
    its a new game called "mato".....oops i meant "charafre":goodtea:
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