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  • Hi im fine, thanks how about u ? by the way im uploading part 4 for you :) but u should download it again + ( no dvd patch )
    Hi! Don't worry about it, I'm sorry about the problem, I hope it gets fixed soon. ^^
    Yeah, I changed it a few days ago, it's Kuroba Saneaki from the game 剣が君 (I'm playing it now). I really liked him (his character art is especially beautiful in my opinion *-*) and I found this pic of him really pretty. ^^ But I liked the previous one too with Iroha. (´∀`)
    Quo Vadis seems interesting, I haven't known it before. The art seems nice too. ^^ I also really like historical stories.
    Hi^^ Yes I do!^^ She's been my hero since I was a kid^^ I think I like the anime better then the manga because it was the anime I saw first^^

    By they way did you play the game? (I've finished it already and I loved it^^) My fave was probably Kotaro who was your fave? (If you have played the game^^*)
    Oh, hello :hi:
    You're welcome!
    Yeah, I did, thanks. Hope you have wonderful day yourself :D
    Yep, thanks. Um, thank you for leaving a VM for me :bye:
    Indeed, it's true, but I'm sure it was on purpose. I'll see if/when the thread starter comes online. You're welcome.





    hello, yeah hana awase is one of my favourite(^0^)/ yes they use those waka in each memorable scenes to make it emotional. i think its succeessful so far.
    Because, i suppose, the theme or the base story theyve taken for the game is taketori monogatari. but its just a slice of taketori monogatari, homage, so you cant really expect much of it since its otomegame and the main point is to see the love story of characters.
    and uh its not Yaoi. its otomegame and hanaawase is PCgame so you can see scenes in PC just like eroge^^
    me yaoi? hmm i dont really play BL games and dont read that of novels. 別に嫌いではないんですが特に進んでやるほど興味もないです。二次創作BLは昔かなり、はまってました。今はどうでも。
    Hi! Thank you for your observations! ^^ I'm currently studying Italian and Japanese languages at university, so that's why. I also started to learn classical Japanese because of my interest in poems. ^^ They're just so beautiful. Well, I have a long way to go with my Japanese... I've been studying it for almost 2 years now, but I try to improve it day by day.
    Yeah, "Un mondo caotico" is in Italian and it means: "a chaotic world". My love for the Italian and Japanese language and culture at the same time causes in me this little "chaotic world" that's why the title. ^^
    thanks for telling me all those stories. wow you really made the story deep into details. hmm, i think mildis sounds cute ^^ by the way how do you call it? ミルディスで呼び方あってるのかな。私いっつもそう読んでるんだ。マイルディスじゃないよね? do you like to write stories? do you still write? because now a days i could never finish it... i'll make up characters but that satisfies me enough 笑 about the term 'otome game', we call it in the same name here in japan too. i think the game is like dating sims but the characters whom the player interacts with are mostly guys so thats why its 'otome'...otome is, you may know it, but the term for young girls. so it is a game especially made for least thats what i thought. and thus "Favorite type of guy:" coincides with "好きな攻略対象タイプ:". because the main characters in games are boys. I thought it was very good translation because the literal translation causes the misunderstanding of terms and the precise meanings. but oh so you dont play PC games much? so you come to this site for the scenes and CGs? uh, also, i dont have any chronophobia its just there was a vocaloid song with the title 'chronophobia' and i really liked it the song. i personally feel time goes too fast for me, meaning i wish i had more time to play games or such, so its not really serious or anything haha. hope ive answered your questions >ワ< sincerely m.
    hello, mildis-san. you changed the avatar? and yes, im native user of japanese. you're right. and for my name, i've read あさきゆめみし and really liked 紫の上 so thats why i chose it as my name here. でも原作には出てこないんですか?知りませんでした。可愛いなあと思ってつけたのであまり深く考えてませんでした。 大和和紀さんはイシュタルの娘を描いておられるのですね。 それも知りませんでした。mildis-san knows a lot about 源氏物語 and manga... I also want to know why you chose your name mildis too. sincerely m.
    hello, mildis-san, thank you for your message and nice to meet you. I suppose you saw my comments on threads? and uh, I have to tell you the truth. I'm actually japanese so writing japanese isn't really a problem for me, haha. I'm sorry if you thought that I'm japanese-fluent non-japanese. English isn't my native language either. I appreciate that you mention my english is good, I'm flattered but well, I'm still far from bi-lingual. I wish I could though. So there's no need to be envious because your english is wonderful and it seems that you understand and write pretty good japanese too, wow. Plus, you have good knowledge of japanese that you understand murasakitan as purple-tan. Thats wonderful. Probably aren't you the one who is bi-lingua .......oh wait is it tri-lingual? What's your native language? By the way your avatar is graceful and lovely! I would be very happy if we could become more familiar. Lastly, Hope it's not too long for you to read. I wrote too much, haha. sincerely. m.
    Hi Mildis, welcome to ASF!~^^ As you can see, SOTM is updated depending on the circumstances. But generally, it's like this:

    Whenever a new round is launched... (for example.....)
    SOTM#3 - Newly launched~ SOTM#2 - Poll opens~ SOTM#1 - Winners get announced~

    Thanks for joining. Goodluck! :)
    あと、出張前につき試せるのはNov, 8頃になりそうです。

    Thank you in addition to friend list.
    I came back from a business trip today.I'm sorry was slower's notice.
    Hmm, there could've been a change to the setting that I'm unaware of―probably the option was disabled for users. I don't think so, but I'm not sure. I'll check later, but I can't right now.

    As for your PM box, well, that's strange. Users are supposed to have just 25 PMs, so that extra capacity could've been caused by one or more PMs sent by staff members, which would ignore PM box capacity. You can have 250 PMs if you have 100 posts; however, there's a plan to change that in the future. I can't tell you the details just yet, though.
    Heya mildis, long time no see. I don't think anyone changed anything; the option should still be there. I just checked mine and it's there:

    I don't understand what you mean by "Don't you post Inugami Kira's Artbooks." Are you telling me that I shouldn't post her artbooks? (Did you get the English sentence structures confused here? For the sake of clarity, we can talk in Japanese. mildisさんが言ったのは日本語では『狗神煌のイラストを投稿してはいけない』のような言葉遣いです。つまり私は狗神煌先生のイラストを投稿しないようにするはずなのですか。)

    Yes, I'm aware that 惺 and 煌 are different characters. However, the handwriting you're referring to isn't mine. It's Inugami's own autograph. I merely cropped the image to fit better with the space. Glad you found our conversation interesting. And yes, I do have an interest in dresses and certain fashion styles, especially ones designed by illustrators I know of. Not that I have real interest to buy or collect the dresses themselves, though.

    Haha, I still remember Wedding Peach. They broadcast the TV series here like uhh 15 years ago or so. Though, back then I was but a little kid, and didn't think of the wedding dresses as anything special. (Now, however, I do have particular fascination in them.) And yes, the massive variety there is within female clothes is wondrous.
    Hello,mildis.Nice to meet you too.How are you?
    Yes,I living to Hiroshima-city,Japan.My English is poor...So I wanna learn English!!!!
    Please talk with the English.I'll talk to my best

    mildis's Friends living Hiroshima?Amazing!
    Hiroshima is a small city compared to Oosaka,Tokyo.But I think livable town.
    But it's very hot because it is in the south.
    Thank you message, I wrote while asked to help google translation.
    Thanks for reading!It is to learn to be willing to correction.

    Have a Nice day!
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