Thats a good attitude, well yeah we can try too be, though I think we all have our moments with some melancholy anyways.
Aih it was your profile pic...the obvious one not as cute as the rest ^^ You seem to have thought about a lot of things in order to reflect on such things in life. Indicative of some experience too me. I guess I have too, and I agree..though I'll try and refrain from the ol' "if life gives you lemons....." idiom haha. Even though it's true, one might be tempted sometimes to just say "skrew the lemonade, you can keep you damn lemons xD" Oki I got that last line from a game called portal2~
Ah well, I should have figured that.
optimism, I guess I can be hopeful, and even faithful :J (in the other sense of its meaning) Guess I'm also careful somewhat, but might have an other side countering it...oh maybe that was the bravery hue hue, otherwise I would have just called my self mad or crazy at times. And finally, well I've always claimed: "Best not to be immature, but be as childish as you like!" I like red primarily because I find it's comforting, warm, personal and embracing though. It's ironic in a way, I actually associate myself with green a lot...but I keep picking red anyway for the sheer likableness of it, and i like it warm, But I can honestly never settle with anything or decide how it truly should be.. But your colors are way more intricate and open, with sense of greater space and mystery. Yellows combined with purples & Violets~ Beautiful. Opens my mind and heart for higher things.
It's here at AS us type of family members meet :P