Recent content by nanashi1

  1. nanashi1

    [LPW# 190] Sleepy Edition

  2. nanashi1

    LPW#187 The Battle of the Darths

    n1 observiering from other end of the exile...:alice_hide: Edit: Yo old allies...:alice_hi:
  3. nanashi1

    [LPW # 182] The Beatles - Beware Screaming Teenage Girls!

    R.I.P. Takahashi Kazuki and Shinzo Abe!
  4. nanashi1

    [LPW # 181] Cheers For The LPW!

    /me sneaks in LPW to say...:kurochan_peek: "Yo old friends!!!:kurochan_hi:"
  5. nanashi1

    [LPW # 180] Santa Claus Conquers The Martians!

    God. The burgers getting smaller and smaller, and prices for it will be opposite expensiver...>_> Edit: G'evening my old allies!
  6. nanashi1

    [LPW #179] God of the Gods

    As chef myself I had it smash back this into the face who this steake "created" has...!!! Btw, I'm more for medium-rare (where every steake so should be) - well done is like on shoes to bite...xD Edit: G'evening my old friends!
  7. nanashi1

    [LPW #179] God of the Gods

    Well, it was more likely a 5 star resort hotel - the service there is top. You should as well try once...:runhappy:
  8. nanashi1

    [LPW #179] God of the Gods

    I ate it up, Franky. Because you're wasting it nevertheless that... Edit: Hello girls and guys again, am' back from exile again...:runhappy:
  9. nanashi1

    [LPW #178] Chess, The Innortal Game!

    Really? Do you have maybe some evidences about it, Franky?...:runhappy:
  10. nanashi1

    [LPW #178] Chess, The Innortal Game!

    /me looks in and then out...:korokke_hole::korokke_peek:
  11. nanashi1

    [LPW #177] Overconfidence brings good fortune!

    Eeee... Not really, thanks on it I've some stomach issue...>_> /me calls his army of lawyers...
  12. nanashi1

    [LPW #177] Overconfidence brings good fortune!

    Franky the Franky...xD Btw, soon g'evening friends...:runhappy:
  13. nanashi1

    [LPW #177] Overconfidence brings good fortune!

    G'day on your side, Samy! Did you solve your sleep problem already...?:goodtea:
  14. nanashi1

    May 21st, 2019

    They all became ghosts, ASF is now like a ghost town (since so 2~3 years)...xD
  15. nanashi1

    [LPW #177] Overconfidence brings good fortune!

    Evening people...~:runhappy: