I held a birthday party at one of the local temples in Japan. We got kicked out pretty quickly. I should have known that a temple wasn’t a good place to have a rock concert.
They say it's been a hard time for job seekers these days, but I'm sure you should be able to find a job if you're not picky about the company you work for.
Hello Shine,
Could you please reupload RJ01144692 Ver 1.04? The Link is dead...
[241004][ちまラボ] ミラージュの離反 (Ver1.04) [RJ01144692]
https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/✨Shine✨[241004][ちまラボ] ミラージュの離反 (Ver1.04) [RJ01144692]-ver1-04-rj01144692.1555344/