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  • Mmm. :goodtea:

    I had something different in mind, but I like this also. Thank you once again =]
    Lol take your time xD Dont expect you to finish anytime soon ;p I can wait~ Just finish Gwee's siggy first~
    Lol i always think on a grand scale but i never have any idea how itll actually turn out~
    I think this can be done with a relatively small gif... maybe xD I dont really care about how large the image is~
    Im thinking that there can be two or three steps for the slashes cuz the first slash is sort of obvious~
    Sure youre not joking
    I was thinking maybe cuz out the background until then and after everything the blue appears~ Then have a slash across the screen or something and let it restart like that? xD
    naruhodo.........ok brow
    langsung di coba dah...
    thanks for reply brow....
    You do see some sequence to the slashes dont you? Certain ones overlap and whatnot~ So those appear first and then whatever they overlap follows~ Dont really need to animate shiina or kanade~ they just kind of stay there the whole time~ Or maybe they could appear after the slashes all appear~ Not sure if it would be better for them to slowly appear or just pop up :/ Hmm yes sounds like work xD
    Hmm /me thinks of random images that may work...
    Well cant do anything atm with photobucket failing... but i think there are some that may work to some extent...
    Hmm sure xD Well if you edit the strikes and whatnot to appear in a sequence~ I feel this will be quite a pain lol~
    hello, bro.....Mr. Onion here......
    sorry ganggu sebentar nih:P..mau nanya dikit brow....
    kalo ada tulisan merah kayak misalnya*neko casually watches the fight....tu maksudnya apa ya:reallyconfused:
    Oh my~ Fancier lines xD

    I was thinking something like it would have tons and tons of lines all over (for some reason) but still ones :goodtea: or two anyway~

    Well thank again~
    a wild neko has appeared :surprised:

    thankies~ didnt do much, since i dont have any photoshop skills at all~ ;D

    and you have Koibuchi's dracu-riot charas xD
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