You could try going to that site I sent you and see if there are any phrases there that we've gone through. Since they have Cantonese audio clips for each phrase, you can check whether you got your pronunciation right
Oh wow, I never knew that, so that's really interesting to hear :nyanmusu_sparkle:
Close :) Gam Yaht means 'today'. Chahm yaht would be 'yesterday'.
Spot on with 'hai' ^^
Sing-kay means week, and I'm honestly not quite sure what gei is when translated to English, but it's usually added to 'sing-kay' when you want to know what the day is (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) Basically I'm asking you what the day is today :)
That's interesting to know I wish I could read so I could see for myself xD Maybe I'll get my mum to read me a poem in both Cantonese and Mandarin so I can compare.