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  • Hmm... Ich sehe, aber ist vielleicht keine Möglichkeit; wo du in einem Kiosk oder in einem Super-Markt nur für den Kurs den Geld zusammen kratzen kannst?:goodtea:~>
    Ich sehe und weiss... Aber kannst du nicht vielleicht bei einen schnell-Kurs anmelden; wo in wenigen Monaten abgeschloßen hast...>_>?
    Well what I usually get is "she is stable but with no recovery yet". And yeah, I'm still in Intensive Therapy (is that's the right way to translate it) and she hasn't woken up yet. It's my grandma by the way, forgot to add. Have been in here for more than a month already and this doesn't seem to end fast. It will probably take all this whole month as well. Oh but you recovered from that so I guess that's good for now? And what did you do to get an spinal surgery??? Jump from a three-store building and fail?
    Why not get CoD??? It your normal shoot-and-run FPS that all the kids play and rage over the people in there. Of course, that was sarcasm (first part) but in my side I haven'mt played any big game in quite a while. I just don't feel like playing games in console anymore, I keep playing elsword but that will come to and end quite fast since the updates are utter....ly bad. And for some reason or another (and having a full house of relatives too) I haven't really played any VN so far, I have some in mid-done and many many MANY others in wait. You came back to VNs? Since I saw you posting about in the cafe you were playing an english one, although I didn't see the date....not so long ago right?
    Would you believe if I tell you that I haven't played WoW or Diablo? (Any Diablo) from Blizzard, probably just Starcraft. And just a little.
    For now I'm reading usually non-stop LNs, those are my main dish all days and will probably continue since they are quite easy to handle, I can pick them up any time and are more easy to read in public (I don't have anything against watching manga in my collegue since most people usually do, but I'm not gonna watch/read an eechi/borderline H manga/anime xD)
    Du brauchst dein Fuß nicht aus der Tür zu setzen... Die Satelliten sind mit Körper-Werme Sensoren ausgestatett usw.

    Was, aber du solltest mit deinen PC-Kenntnisen eigentlich mit Leichtigkeit eine Stelle finden können...>_>
    Hmm... Sowas brauche ich nicht - Wo zu gibt es Satelliten; so ein Dutzend ist auf dich gerichted... Wie hießt ein berühmter englische Satz: "Big brother watching you".:goodtea:~>
    >>>>>>>>>>60% Fertig.
    Hmm... Vielleicht...?:evillaugh: Lol - Nun, wir haben schon in unseren Kennenlern-Zeit gerädet, wo du in Eisenstadt gelernt hast...:goodtea:~>
    >>>>>>>>>>41% Fertig.
    Okay, danke Puma - Jetzt kann die Überweisung starten... >>>>>>>>>>20% Fertig.

    Und dein Bundesland ist nich schwer zu finden, weil es ist der erste Bundesland nach der Ungarischen grentze - Burgenland...:goodtea:~>
    Okay Puma, aber dann gib mir dein Adresse, okay? Die Überweisung wird dann gestartett...:goodtea:~>
    Okay, aber wenn du öffentlich aufgibst, dann bekommst du die Cakes... Nun, was sagst du?:goodtea:~>
    Lol so war nicht gemeint, Puma... - Ich habe dich schon vermisst langsam...:goodtea:~> {Ich habe shon Steckbriefe nach dir geposted)
    And again I was death for weeks -.-, well that's a really bad joke since one of my relatives was on the hospital and everyone(including me) was coming and going.

    Well, aside from that, what have you been up to? Got a nice work? payment? spending it wisely? Or spending the time on battlefield and amalur? From my side there is not much change. Just yesterday I went back to read VNs, focused on Gleam Garden and Cocoro Function which I'll probably end by this week and try to finish Shinigami and Gensou before the new releases arrive. On the LN side....I'm running out of translated works. I'm finally closing in the edge of what a group of people can translate, but since I decided to give it a try to Chrome Shelled Regios, that will probably take some months to finish reading, and then there will be more works ready to eat. For the anime....I'm being way too lazy to watch, although if I can get them on the iPad, there is more probability I'll watch them...one of these days. And to end it, the game section....it's as a western dessert, you can probably see those balls that roll around in western series/movies. I was playing Elsword, but since I reached max level and conquered all late game dungeons, there is little for me to keep me playing. And so far, I don't really feel like playing more games, since The Last of Us that I bough at gamestop last time I went to USA didn't work...well, those were bad wasted 60dlls. And I doubt I will go to USA again till next year so I didn't even complain anymore.
    Well, I'm a hikkikomori (that goes out) for now, so I'll try to be more active. I'll be going back to colleague in January though. And then my virtual activity will be off.
    Ah well...In my side I have a weird taste for spicy food. I can't tolerate normal spicy food and don't usually eat them, but when it comes to pizza gourmet, you need to gave me some habanero sauce at least, which is one of the most spicy ones...and it totally makes no sense. But yeah...
    I still have it on hold....already quit els word and now I'm back to having too much free time but since I'll need to start studying from now on, it will shrink in a little. For now I've been getting on with some LNs again and back to Breaking Bad (just started season 4 :3). Oh yeah watched the first movie...which was related to the book as much as Word War Z movie was related to the book. I don't want to get close to the second movie.
    Yes Yes Yes! Watch the Monogatari serie! From Bakemonogatari - Nisemonogatari - Nekomonogatari - Monogatari (second season) and if you want, there is the most epic Kizumonogatari on LN and the movie will be released at the end of this year on Japan.
    Hey, at least you're not on Spain. You can have the opportunity to have a job in Austria...right?
    Forget the nachos! There are way too many other things you should taste first! If you're in the north it's gotta be the meat, in the center hmmmmm, I think there is no translation to "masa (flour...wheat...I don't know....)" and of course in the whole country the real "tortillas". Not the commercialized ones that they give in places like Taco Bell or something like that.
    Or maybe they could be both and you'll feel like you're committing two crimes because of it....either way, my principal stereotype is still the Raven-haired mysterious cool onee-chans!!!
    Oh, yeah, just came back yesterday and...it was a good trip. Got The Last of Us, some prepaid cards for Elsword, and most importantly Percy Jackson's new book and the complete collection of Lovecraft!!! And what does that mean? Leaving more anime and VNs stalled....and don't even remind me of the mangas I have stalled right now.....
    AAAAAnnnd the most important thing right now: Are you following Monogatari second season????!!!!
    Oh man, if you ever come to Mexico......the wonders you would taste here. Well, that if you are not prickly about food, how it's made, look or the ingredients. But I at least assure you that there is Fanta, Coca, Pepsi and the like, so don't worry in that part xD But that stuff you can always get it in Austria, try the local stuff, that's the point of the trip! Even if such local stuff looks pretty weird....but it must taste a little good if they do it right?
    Hmmmm I think we can uncover the reason of life itself if we can answer the question: "what makes a loli a loli?" Now that I analyze it, it makes sense in many levels but I may be wrong in some others. I thought it was mostly related to age, which I'm also unable to discern at simple sight, so.....damn.
    Well, it's something *shrugs* Just be sure not to get caught in case of immoral attitude, or there won't be a story we could laugh it off as just "close".
    Also, I'll be going to Texas (Mcallen to be more detailed) this weekend so....you can check it in Google Maps since I don't believe it's any close to Austria xD
    How was it from a different perective, overall score of the trip?
    Well that's.....a lazy way to cook fish, and probably the potatoes too xD guess they were not fan of ...condiments(?) don't know the english word for it -.-
    Wait wait wait, I think there is something quite dangerous in that statement!!! And just for the record (not the police one...yet) what age do you consider RL-loli?
    Hmmmmmm and here I wonder, what would they to me if I were to go running in town taking the veil from the women randomly? Execution or send back to mexico? The curiosity tells me that i should lift that veil......just like what would you do to a long skirt, curiosity tells youtdo lift it up wayabove the underwear!!!! .....ok, that line of thought scared me even me. If something happens, this messege never existed.
    Hi there! How was your trip so far, or arey ou already back on Austria? Also, i got what you mean by gadflies, the spanish translation would be "mosquitos" while flies are "moscas" and if you can't stand a couple of those little b*tchis who fly around you and sucking your blood, I'll recommend you don't visit Mexico on rainy season or the south center part of it, the country side is pretty much infested with them.
    Noodles? As in ramen or something like that? Or maybe pasta? Fish is still normal although i don't know how do they serve it but still....for your words I took you "usually" eat fish in there. No potatoe chips or fries? I have no idea what else could make use pf the potatoe for xD
    lol, they were stalking you for sure xD but coca cola and pepsi are international sodas right? They didn't have them?
    Just a little reminder just in case but.....making an advance on a RL-loli, means jail. Well at least here and I bet Austria as well....but on RL-grannies not! Why is life so unfair?!?!?! But at leqst there must be some nice girl around your age right? I mean (insert name of place which I already forgot) must have some local beauties. Right?
    Where the hell are you man?! Well I just googled it but still, never heard of that place .-. so lost (yeah, just checked the maps). And I don't really know what "gadflies" are.....another thing to look for in google. What's bad with the food? Aside from curry and kebab, I don't have any more knowledge about cuisine from Arab (?).....I'm so confused here. Remember that vacations are like that, you can't be as spoiled as you're at home, I know that feeling pretty well. And why do you thought about the Real-Life lolis?? (let's say you just made a new word xD) and don't worry, if it's better for you, there are RL-grannies everywhere OTL
    Hmmmm you spoke in english but they guessed your accent? or how was it? And I guess asking for spanish over there would be too much right???
    In the bar all the time? and you're not getting spoiled....yeah, sure. Oh well, another type of being spoiled if you want to see it that way xD
    I guess? Since I'm in my parents home for now, I'm pretty spoiled right now :D But house chores will always be a pain.
    Well in Mexico it's called football (or most exactly "futbol") so I'll feel more at ease with that way. I don't like why the americans named it soccer....and they named their american football just football, I mean, they barely even play with the foot?!?! But that's a never ending debate just like what's better, windows or mac or the one from playstation and xbox. Fifa or Pes? Those are the only ones that I know from football, but talking about sports games....the last one I owned and usually played was probably.....Super Mario Strikers from Game Cube xD
    Since the moment you mentioned her, It was decided that I would watch it in the flat screen. It's been so much since I last saw her, I miss her in New Testament.
    Hmm... Okay, aber dann stell deine Beine nicht zu nah an Meer-Rand, sonst werden die Haie ein bisschen an dir rum knabbern...:goodtea:~>
    Okay...XD ...Aber ich habe was vergessen zu sage; Und zwar dass du lieber nicht in unseriösen Autos fahren sollst, nicht dass dass du unten mit einen "überraschungspacket" hoch gehst...:goodtea:~>
    Ach so...? Dann pack mit einge Schusswesten une ein Helm, okay? - Weil, es ist immer gut ein paar Versicherungspolise zu haben in so einem Trip...:goodtea:~>
    Nun, okay... Aber du hast nicht mehr lang zu warten auf das Ende, weil in 2 Wochen ist es getan (+ 1 mit den/dem OVA) - So lang dann, okay?:goodtea:~>
    Warum den nicht? Geb den Anime wenigstens eine Chance, seh den ersten Ep. - dann mach deine Urteil, okay?:goodtea:~>
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