umm renano about the last post did you really believe that i would beat him....i was just kidding.
just now he took 5 closets keys and then he mixed them and gave it to me
before two years in my english exam i always get B or A but i got a C i wondered why,the teacher told me you were doing good but you didn't do the second Writing,i remembered that when i opened the last pages there were many lines i thought they were for the first writing.
this years English Exam:everyone was depending mostly on me,also there are two classes for us so im in the first class and my other friends in the second class so to give the other class the answers i made a plan first when i started the exam wrote my name bla bla bla then when i just started reading the vocabulary i noticed...

everybody is looking at me,come on i just started reading,it was kinda weird i was like (im the user that inputs instructions to the computer to function)

they won't do anything till i order them,whenever i reach a story and i have to get the answers for the questions this may take time so i order them to do the writing,when i finished and got all the answers now the other class is waiting for my signal so i take a piece of paper write the answers put the paper in my socks(we can wear anything shoes or sandals no one wears shoes but i wear shoes no one knows the advantages of the shoes in a test)so i go to the bathroom put the paper in a hidden agreed spot then go back to my class while i walk beside the second class and give them the signal.
what got me embarrassed is a girl asked how to do the second writing so i answered :you are going to london to watch a play so your friend chris wants to come along,but your friend chris needs more information. i got shy when i said to her you have a friend called chris i got embarrased and laughed trying to say to her.....the fourth try did it,even a friend of mine laughed when i said chris,i guess he understanded.