Recent content by riwjin

  1. riwjin

    Keep One, Drop One

    Bombs Away . . . . . BOOM!! Spam section collapsed.
  2. riwjin

    Keep One, Drop One

    Hit 'n Run
  3. riwjin

    Where do DATA hold? In our brain? or in our soul?

    Where is the storage? In physical brain? or in one's soul, and the brain is merely an interface? First, Just how much information one's brain can hold? If one say "unlimited", then that's non-physical, "astronomical" still acceptable. If physical storage, then what are the factors...
  4. riwjin

    You Might Be An Otaku If...

    You might be an otaku if you prefer Hentai manga more than P0rn magazines. xDD
  5. riwjin

    What is your opinion on Time Travelling?

    Lemme ask Doraemon first about this issue, he might have some opinion.
  6. riwjin

    You Might Be An Otaku If...

    You might be an otaku if you stock and pile up Anime and eroge DVDs more than 1 meter high.
  7. riwjin

    What is your opinion on Time Travelling?

    lol sorry I didn't read thoroughly :P
  8. riwjin

    The Supernatural vs. Science

    In Japanese, if I recall correctly, superstition is "迷信" "迷” to lost ways ”信” to believe To believe blindly. Anyway, things Scienc(tists) can't prove (yet) doesn't mean it's not there. Our knowledge are still utterly limited at this point.
  9. riwjin

    To cheat or not to cheat?

    nahh, I think cheating is not "Think outside of the box (TOOTB)". It's just not playing fair, and it's just that TOOTB means doing something different from routine, legitimately.
  10. riwjin


    IMO, Theism is just our own imagination. Consisted up from feelings of fear, insecurities, and hope to find something dependable on our side to calm ourselves down. IMO, the world will not officially end (ex. crack in two) during ours, even human's, lifetime. But the world "as we know it" can...
  11. riwjin

    Are you afraid of dying?

    Not afraid in "Death" in itself, but curious in "How" will it end? will I contribute enough to my loved ones before that time?
  12. riwjin

    What is your opinion on Time Travelling?

    Sorry for the break-in guys, but it is proven that it is impossible for the effect to occur before its own cause. Thus, Time Travelling is impossible. At least that's what they say.
  13. riwjin

    [Japanese] [080328][クロシェット] かみぱに! DummyCut

    I'll try it and report back =) add 11/22/2011: Would you kindly upload it to other sites as well, at least part 1, 4, and 6. I really looking forward to play this. I tried about 20 times downloading part 1 and it always got disconnected halfway, I suspect this web ( is not...
  14. riwjin

    Your top 5 anime girls

    Mine's 1. Shiranui Akeno (Seto no Hanayome) 2. San (same anime) 3. Mizuki Himeji (Baka and Test) 4. Shouko (Baka and Test) 5. Hinagiku (Hayate)