What is your opinion on Time Travelling?

If time traveling really possible, I'm sure there's gonna be rules like, "Can see, but DO NOT TOUCH!"
Time Travelling is good. People can change their past nor their future by changing their past. But that can also change the future of someone else's life. For instance, regretting you married the wrong person. Going back again to marry other. Etc. You get my point :p

But if I can go back. I won't change big things. Small things I guess. Things that I have said to other people etc. But not my life.
I would change the small things, like what chrisw00 said.
Example, like the trousers I've bought recently. If I can go back into time, I would've pick a larger size.
The thigh on the pant is killing me. The idiot that design these pant to have tight thigh should be give some smacks behind their head.
If time traveling was possible i would probably be really tempted to use it. The future would be gone because we would have access to it now and all the future technologies would exist now forcing those inventors to create other things which would also be here now and the loop goes on so we have an infinite amount of technology till we die. Im sure its going to have strict rules soon after it is discovered and year of debates on whether it is something that we should use and the dangers/costs of using it. If people know that time travel is possible i would think that some people would find ways to use it despite the government restrictions and cause a mess then the government will have its own elite group travel time and do that whole Carmen Sandiego buisness.
If possible, I would by gas/fuel from the past, coz it's cheaper. :P
But then again, it would cause shortage in our time.
If possible I would change a few minor things of my past while keeping collateral damage at a minimal. Things like a few bad investments.
if such thing is indeed possible... i'd rather not interfere with past. who knows what chain-reaction will happen if we change it! though i really want to return to my highschool days
If it's become possible, doomsday would have been come indeed.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible some day. If you move you're traveling through space-time in reference to the usual x, y, and z axes. If you stand still, you're moving through space time along a different axis. I don't see why some day it wouldn't be possible to move in the opposite direction on that axis.
We haven't knowingly been visited by time travelers. If you ask 10 people what they would do if they could travel back in time, 5 of them will say kill Hitler. He obviously wasn't killed, so considering it a given that time travel is possible, there are two possibilities. The standard explanation in quantum time travel is that every possible outcome of an event does happen, creating another "universe". The other possibility, which I'm sure I've heard before, but I came up with it independently years ago, when I was a kid, is that time is like a river. We're downstream from the past, so any changes that time travelers have made haven't reached us yet, because we're moving away from the change at the same rate the change is approaching us.
3 years ago
That's the problem with time traveling. We don't know if the history have tempered with or not.
5 people will say kill Hitler, but he didn't get killed prematurely than he was in our history. But supposed he did get killed, several times, to exact, we wouldn't know it.
We knew him coz history show that he's evil. So we go back in time, and kill him. Now there's no evil history of him. When that happen, there's no reason for us to kill him so we didn't go back in time to kill him, hence he didn't get killed by some time traveler and proceed to do him evil bidding, as like he did in our history.

Sound confusing, is it not? Maybe coz my way of explaining it not good enough.
That's the problem with time traveling. We don't know if the history have tempered with or not.
5 people will say kill Hitler, but he didn't get killed prematurely than he was in our history. But supposed he did get killed, several times, to exact, we wouldn't know it.
We knew him coz history show that he's evil. So we go back in time, and kill him. Now there's no evil history of him. When that happen, there's no reason for us to kill him so we didn't go back in time to kill him, hence he didn't get killed by some time traveler and proceed to do him evil bidding, as like he did in our history.

Sound confusing, is it not? Maybe coz my way of explaining it not good enough.

that's exatcly what i said... chain-reaction. we can't predict what will happened if we changed the past! for example...
consider that someone goes back through time and killed hitler, what guarantee we have, that someone wont replace him, someone more evil and even managed to win the WWII and conquer the whole world.
Hmm if they managed to manipulate the flow off time shouldnt they also be able to manipulate minds? cuz currently that seems more reasonable XD thus we may have had a different history but our future descendants are keeping us from knowing.
Hmm if they managed to manipulate the flow off time shouldnt they also be able to manipulate minds? cuz currently that seems more reasonable XD thus we may have had a different history but our future descendants are keeping us from knowing.

true... it's more possible than manipulate to flow of time, but still i don't think it'll be permanent! im sure one day will come when the mind control to be broken! because no matter how clever or genius we are, we can only access 10% of our brain... the rest is mysterious!
so, you saying we go back time... manipulate people mind, but what if he's mind back someday? he will know our existence, the possibility of time travel, how advanced we are at that time! this will change the flow of history far beyond our imagination!
well the thing is, things only exist because we allow it to, not as individuals but as a race. The concepts of space, the universe, god etc... only exist (perception-ally speaking) because we as a single body acknowledge them. If we hadn't had great minds provide the concepts of space travel, and multiple worlds then it wouldn't have a concept to us and therefore wouldn't exist as far as we know, physically it would but its like the proverb, if a tree falls in the woods what sound does it make if there's no one around to hear it.
So the ability to modify ones perception of time rather than time itself is not only far more realistic but also more apply-able and the application of this method would have an identical effect to modifying the line of time itself. The only problem is you would need to modify perceptions on a grand scale.
Hmm anyone who starts spouting that they know time travel exists will probably be passed off as insane until they get proof which im sure those time travelers would go back in time to make sure isnt there and then they can use the fact that we written him/her off as insane and mess around with his/her mind more. Currently the majority's opinion says time travel is impossible so it is impossible till someone labeled as a genius comes along.
Alter perception :/ isnt that what people do when they "find" undiscovered facts and reveal it to the public XD Like how that idiot some time back went and spread panic throughout America by saying girls are spiraling into depression without any facts backing her up then later she went and said boys were also spiraling into depression because of some contradictory findings. She was famous for her "discovery" and that was the only thing that made people accept her words.
I think it's possible but that kind of technology will just be abuse by some power hunger person or people. Like me for instance, I will use it for my own selfish desire and greed. I will know the stock markets flow, economy, business and other stuff then use it.
Or go to the future and obtain their technology and develop it here to the present.
I think it's possible but that kind of technology will just be abuse by some power hunger person or people. Like me for instance, I will use it for my own selfish desire and greed. I will know the stock markets flow, economy, business and other stuff then use it.
Or go to the future and obtain their technology and develop it here to the present.

that's reminded me of DeLorean from Back To The Future
Ok time travel into the future is very much possible. We are doing it right now. If you travel at relativistic speeds, you are essentially aging slower than your surroundings. If you somehow figure out a way to propel yourself at 99.9999% of the speed of light then you are in for some chop. Relative to the earth, you will be traveling for 50 years or so, relative to yourself time will only have passed at most a day if not seconds.

Now going back into time is tricky since time only flows one way. You can't really go back into time like you would rewind a video. The theory for that is also very shaky. It could be possible but you would end up in an alternate universe (since every decision ever made creates an alternate universe.. so the theory goes). So anything you do will not have an effect.

Here's a thinker. Imagine looking at a clock and you are driving away from it. At 80mph the clock seems to move at a regular speed. However, the faster you go the slower the clock starts to move to the point it stops. That's when you are traveling at the speed of light; you have caught up with the photons the clock as reflected and you are flowing along with time so to say. If you go FASTER than that, you would think that the clock would move backwards but then you get into relativistic shit which i can't explain nor know anything about.

Isnt it possible to time travel (forward anyway) if you were around a black hole? The black hole warps time along with everything else or so i heard.
I could easily imagine that such a thing would exist, and what we consider history...could have easily been changed from what originally happened. Perhaps there are some laws that do not exist yet that govern what a traveller can and can not do?

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