Rucking Fetard
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  • LOL.. YES KWWW... FUUU. ahahahaha....

    ughh..... b..but.. i dont the one cleaning my room.. my worker clean it.. and i dont knoww if it will gone or... aahhaa. beside isnt more good pput it on on glass ??

    THATS THE HARDEST PARTTTT.... ahahhaha.... dammit.. i like eating new food... trying much place.... ahhaha... screww food at home.. sometime.... but when i want buy nendro... i must do that.. well... 1 week 1 time go out... :XD:

    hmmmmmmmmmm........... my face. ??? mmmmmmmm..... at least not like boyband shiet one... its very rare face... its like legendary pokemon ... :XD:
    lol... really ???? :gotidea:

    yes... i already experience buy thing randomly and regret.. i buy onepiece figure.. KW one.. ahahha... damn... i regret that..
    aiya.. i will remember that.. since i almost everyday browse this goodsmile company... muahahaha.... but i must buy cabinet.. glass... for putting thiss.... :sowwy:

    its not so troublesome... since we are boys... dont need complicated things like cosmetics etc... and if you have gf.. that where you need extra cashh... for dinner.. present.. walaooooooooooooooo..........

    all i can see... is you will kick me or shut the door automatically when see me dressed up in front of your house.......
    its smalll... =w=
    nahh... i will not buy that too many.... im very picky in this one.... cause im not using parent money.... and dont have GF yet... muhuhuhu...
    if you mean saving... i do still have..... even little... andd im not too think much for that... since im the person if like buy it.. rather than dissapointed not buying it and make me stress out... lolol.. damn sucking males... that like im a gay... :shockmenft:

    i mean... the expresiion... models.. pvc you cant change it.. and it fragile... very sensitive... i lovee pvccc... but when see nendroid can change expresioon model.. i prefer nendroidd.. :XD:
    yea... my wallet now... :shockmenft: i will become madao and stay at your place... can i ??? :XD:
    NOOoooooooooo......... let the pics in your wall....its cute... :XD:

    hoekk... how the hell that quoutes sucking male at buss coming ???
    mmmmmmmm...... because im an adult i can buy this... ahhaha.. using my own damn moneyh.... and i weak to cute things.... :XD: nendroid is awesum.... not like pvc.... or figma... ahahaha
    and i just addicted to limited nendro.... and it just miku one i gues... its normal... :XD:
    :XD: :XD: my next nendrooo.................... ( i wonder how i can be addicted buying this ) :shockmenft:

    MASOSTERRRRRRRR!!!!!!WHY!?!???WHY should you be dead!!!!!!NOOOO!!!!!!MASOSTERRRR!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh I see. He is just maso:)
    does your hip can accept chopstick?
    okay, it's my turn!
    :3 ━━━一
    this is your hip
    yes... i wnat to know too.. why girls can connected with satelite too... no girls.. satelite cannon will not active.... :rant: pls ask himmm naz... :runhappy:
    Of course! though it is a minor genre.
    I want Nazaka to be uke, but it's okay you are seme if you want.

    Take this! :3 <3 (japanese etiquette was disappeared)
    Nazaka is not only a maso, but also seme? That's adorable!
    :3 <3 <---This is my hip and fart
    Yeah, Masoka!
    Wow, you seem like doing something in public. Thank you :3 <----This is your hip
    I visited your page for the first time now!
    I remain a Visitor Message in commemoration of it! Hello Hello Nazaka!
    well... the logic.. base at the moon.. give him the super ultra micro wave to gundam x core.. and make it to laser / beam power.... :XD:
    ahahahahaha... of course laa.. kids stations is expensive... they Ciak our money.. well i buy there tooo... ahahaha.. gundam x series...

    here is hard... maybe just 2nd one.. since no shop seeling this figure/nendro here.. except gundam ( kids station has it and expensive ) :XD:
    nyahahahaha.... because you buy cute nendroid too.... :XD:
    awesome with tank??? or pet ?? weapon ???

    mmmmmmmm....... dAammit.... iin bali theres NOTHINGGGG............... only Pijet+ many... aahahaha
    i seeee......... i got poisoned.... buying nendroid.... i blame you... :XD:

    sooo you live in jakarta ?? jakarta utara.??? know lullaby winds shop ?? they make store... like in japan.. mostly figure...
    ahahh... thats like want killing myself.... :deadsad:

    i will behalf.. and ask money.. to buy nendroid... :rant: muahaahahahaha
    ahahha... i see... i want move out.. actually... going where.... on journey.. killlng dragon... quest.. but my parent dint let me.... sad become only child.... :deadsad:
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