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  • haha. no^^

    i didnt become champion yet, because i am lazy. i kept resetting the game a lot, because i wanted a Xerneas and Torchic with good EVs.

    thanks for the fennekin. i like it~
    i see. mmh.. i just said that i have time now, so we can trade pokemon^^
    hai, i send you an e-mail as well. i have time now, so we can trade pokemon^^



    hey pikachu :3
    i'm fine .yeah i couldn't able to come to net cuz of being busy in real life >_> have mid term exam coming on ,have to study -.- hbu?
    oh u think so, thanks :3
    oh no fisrt term start in jan but when we advance to grade 12 our first term start in May, :3 oh yeah I know that my cousin is also libe in japan ,he is telling about the country & etc I would like to visit japan someday :3
    oh that a cute eevee :3
    yeah miwile is also good he is fairy tyoe pokemon right? I played all the pokemon series except Pokemon X & Y .
    no prob :3.yeah sti;; I'm a student my school life will over on next year Aug. hah nope I'm fellow asian as ya :D well my secondary language is English which is compulsory to learn at school . yeah we learn english at school ;3
    haha I see. my fav Pokemon is Eevee :3
    no it's not stand for hardwood, HW = Home Work :3 teachers are giving lot of home works these days , I can't even finish it on time --.-
    now days ppl seeking money to live i bet most of them :3
    oh nothing much ,chatting with friends,doing HW
    yeah it's cool one :3 kinda cute .
    Hello there, ryuta-kun~ ^^

    Hope we can be great friends.

    May you be well today.

    As promised, here is the dessert. Please enjoy~

    I see. Well it's still comfy under a blanket I think. Not that I need it or anything :j Hmm Kingship ? whats that ?
    You both probably seen 'The Ring' and 'The Grudge' then. Those are just the English titles though. They watch a VCR movie, and get 7 days to live or something along those lines.

    Huh really, Like brain research in fish ? Or am I just getting it wrong?

    Oki. Well, I'm thinking maybe, just maybe I'll find some time later today just to hear you out, I have added you btw. It is doubtful I'll take the time to do so often or from time to time as things are currently. But you newer know though, I just want you to be aware from the start.

    I agree, they are annoying >< But thats also why it's nice having a katana, a swift and silent killing w. At least over here, police in japan seems so well mannered and polite, that I might say thank you too them if they give me a ticket, almost as if it was a nice gift. I saw a clip on youtube that showed japanese policeman giving a speeding ticket. And it made me think that. I don't like western police very much...

    I know I said that I'll probably not be so lucky to come to Japan, but if I did, I'd definitely want you to teach me some judo !
    I find it cute when girls like horror...Maybe thats because I imagine them scared under a blanket and wanting someone to hold on too w ...not that it really matters what movies they like though of course. I like sci-fi too. I see well I'm sorry to say I don't think godzilla became equally famous ^ I had fun watching 'Watchmen, its made to look a bit silly though.

    Consciousness, well being self aware, but your probably maybe looking for something in the physical world, since you want to become a physicist.\

    Hmm, no I guess I could talk even if it was just in English if you really wanted to just try it some, you never had anyone before to talk English with ?
    I agree, trying or daring new things can be important, to give us new experiences, growth, and keeping us from becoming stagnant. It's just that it's very low on my 'list' of prioritization for the time being, being so many other things instead that takes my time first. But as said, if you just feel like testing it out to see how you perform then you might as well add me now, since I don't think either of us will know what time is going to be a good one. My ID should be: dandoe349

    Well I know so little about pokemon.
    Nice umbrella, probably a nice way to walk around with a katana and not being stopped by the police.
    Oh I don't do so many interesting things I'm afraid, I've played a lot of pc games in the past, but I haven't done that so much lately.
    I watch movies when I'm bored, just regular rentals, I tend to watch a fair bit of horror when I do, or thrillers, sci-fi ect.
    Other than that I consider spiritual things essential insights. And like to study old prophecies. An searching my heart for the true meaning and purpose of life, or just simply the most important things in life. I also like anime, but have watched little compared to the others around here.
    I have my anime watching on hiatus as well until I learn more Japanese you see.

    Sure thing, I'll remember that, but I've been learning at a slow pace so far, I sometimes learn more in some periods than others, right now I've made some progress, but then I might take a little brake again, until I continue at some other period. A lot of it depends on my time, and motivation.

    Alright :} Well at least you won that pokemon thing as far as I remember. or it was something else.
    Hmm yeah I wondered about that too, not sure. Perhaps he was just not interested.

    Got a picture ?
    Yeah I am kinda busy to be a neet and all. Always stuff to do it seems. If I came to japan I would probably not wanna go back home. Funny how I almost at times have felt like Japan is home, even though I've never been there in the flesh. It actually gives me a spiritual sense. But don't know how to explain that.
    Hot summers seem to only evoke more intense memories with me ^^ All the sounds, and feelings intensified, as if a very old memory. For me living in Kyoto during the summer and Okinawa during the winter perhaps might sound ideal :)
    I see. And do you mean there are subjects/classes that are IN English, or that there are classes that teach you English ? You have to use a dictionary often when making replies ? I would like to say okey for hopefully some later time when I've learned a bit more, and gotten a lot of other things done in my life. But you shouldn't buy anything because of me since I can't be very reliable and don't like disappointing people. Especially when you said you didn't have that much money to spend either.
    Actually he is or was here on this forum and spoke English, but I can't remember his name.

    Thanks, I need to take it easy at times. Cya for now. And likewise.
    Yeah I know ^^ But I intend to buy tabi boots an a sword!
    Oh and P.s. if you still wanna try out some English on me over skype, then I'm sure I can be able to find some time for it later on. If you want.
    Also, since your a ninja, do you have a katana or similar straight sword ?
    Ah すほい. I find myself quite curious about anyone thats Japanese, or have such intimate ties to Japan, since I'm obviously one of those peoples that have a fascination, your probably not surprised JD I imagine it would be really nice to have some friends I could visit there, and then they could show me around and teach about way of life. Though I know that will sadly probably never happen, cause I'm kinda stuck with my own life here for now. Kyoto just happens to be one of the top places I would have wished to visit, maybe the 1st on the list, along with Osaka, Tokyo and Okinawa. I love the idea of your summers being warm and humid.

    It would be excellent to be able to fine tune my speech and listening skills over skype, except I'm still learning the language at only a basic level, and a slow pace, that it would probably be a bit early for that. Plus I would have to dedicate a lot more time, for progress, or I'd feel like I'd only waste your time. You on the other hand are very good at English. How long have you learned, or studied it? And how ? I'm from Norway btw, so my native tongue is really Norwegian. But I have been speaking English since I was a kid. What I never bothered to learn is the actual grammar, but thats not needed either for normal speech or writing. If you understand what I mean.
    Do you speak English as well as you write I wonder? I bet you do.

    Oh and you seem very outgoing, there was an other person here from Japan, and I tried to talk to him, but I never got any answer. I was wondering, is it custom in japan that if you don't wish to speak with someone, to just not reply ?

    Hmm a dream :} I can't remember anymore if I had one that night, but I did have one not long ago, it was messed up and disturbing ww.
    Your welcome. I looked at the weather forecast for Tokyo that day and it said it would rain all day. Happy holiday then, I didn't know, I never know when these things are anymore since I guess I'm what you'd call a NEET. :-j
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