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  • Well..I listen pretty much to everything. Nut I really like OST's from all different anime's ^^
    I also really like ost's with piano or violin in it!
    Btw, you watch Ano Natsu de Matteru right? I LOVE IT I just watched episode 3 and I CANT wait for the next episode !
    don't fret, you can't live in japan if you're afraid of earthquake! besides our current minister of contruction already said that tokyo is tough enough for it
    Um...Currently, no good sites so far, and A.C.T.A from European is coming...Because of that, we are turning back to Egypt, where torrent first come and rules ! *kuku*
    Nah, not my torrent, you can tell it looking at Uploader name ! :D

    Reseeding is quite pain to do because all my back up links on Megaupload is down...

    At present, we need wait for weeks till things settle down, maybe new reliable hosts will come to save us ! Although I know it may not happen ! ^^
    Oh! Im being missed :3
    Sorry SF, I really have a lot of school/work stuff lately.. :( I should have more time by the end od the next week I hope :O
    i shall try... but i can't promise you anything... uploading to fileserve is really slow from my place
    I am working for now. I found Anime sharing when Hongfire was down. And through a friend.

    Well the forum goes abit slow for me. When I try to load a forum section it takes a long while. I was wondering if I could disable something to make it work faster. I am from Netherlands, Europe so maybe that has got something to do with it.
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