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  • Thank you Second Flight.

    I am fine. I went to my family's plac to celebrate it. It was fun in it's own way.

    Though I am glad to be back. I am abit of a loner :)
    I meant your profile. The site does look nice. Just thost weird SOTM banners plastered everywhere is rather annoying.

    I like your new pokemon profile. Are you a male or female. I take it a male. Well I am. Well I love sute stuff and pokemon is great :D
    hmm..yes...well... my game will likely out in 21th-23rd...the cg already out so i'll wait for it^^'s good we don't have tornado here>_>.....only strong wind.....
    yeah right windy..../me use vacuum to suck the wind=/

    oh...i your place is far from the capital...hmm...yes, i saw them in the news...roofs fly all over

    the place>_>.....good thing you are alright^_^
    s'up man.....

    i heard typhoon hit your area second....are you alright?
    Like I said before, King will never approve of Nero... Arturia will be my one and only true Seiba >.> A good chibi figure nonetheless though xD
    The space CAN contain 10 if you close them up
    But if you don't, well I'll say 6

    So you have it, but you kept on shaving it? XD
    The kinds of case that you mentioned
    You said it has 6-7 floors, and one floor can pretty much fit >10 !

    I'm still a student, no w
    You must be bad at cooking then XD

    No not that, kumis/jenggot

    Me? I'm on my teens, have quite the acnes
    Started growing moustache, that's that
    Seriously, you can fit 50 nendroids in one glass case

    Cock by yourself? GAHAHA, ryuta also did this XD
    Nope, sometimes I just don't know what to eat, so rice

    Smooth.. babyface.. okay, complexion? any facial hairs?
    Buying that for just a few small things, non non
    If you REALLY want it, should wait till you have like, >50 nendroids

    Too lazy to cook, so just take rice and eat w

    I don't know, scar/acne/etc
    Your worker?
    That sounds wrong, just say pembantu XD
    You have quite the trust issues there, I mean he/she is a pembantu . The usual glass case is around... 1jtan so I'd not buy that lol

    Sometimes I only eat a plate of rice, so poor ._.

    I need more details :XD:
    Yep, well 85% of the width


    *Facepalm* Second mai men, you DON'T need a glass cabinet, just use your desk or something

    But we need to play with ourselves ._.
    I eat at my house, saving money *thumbup*

    Well.. I don't know how your face looks like so....
    It takes up almost 85% of my screen though XD

    Good to be picky, don't buy things randomly XD
    I wouldn't be disappointed at all if I don't buy something as long as I don't get reminded that such a thing exists w

    But you're don't, you're just doing a job

    Ahh I see, taking care of the spare parts can be quite troublesome

    You must wear a small shirt with no buttons, a trousers - both brown, slippers, and sunglasses first like the ori madao
    If it's small, then it's fine, but it's too big w

    After years of buying those things, you might either have no job and no money, or your job has less pay than that is required
    So you go sucking males for money XD

    But nendroid IS made out of PVC (poly vinyl chloride)
    If you're saying PVC is not awesome, you're saying the material of nendroid itself is not awesome =(

    Limited ones? Good luck, your wallet w
    Again spoiler that please XD

    Enjoy sucking males on the bus station for money after years and years of purchasing these :\
    Honestly though, I'm surprised an adult like you can be addicted to things like this without thinking much XD
    lol...well i still have it with me...but some games already deleted cause dunno how store it last time=/
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