Selvaria Bles
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  • first i want to see if my other orders will arrive soon before i going to order anything, don't know why the mail here don't bother to send them, i don't want to end up wasting money and not getting it =o

    Well in my country TOG had only 1 copy that been "stolen" right away, since the pal version still not out most stores don't bothers to have it till the pal will be out, be gald that you was able to get it at all :thumbup:

    the pal pre order version have some costume dlc (TOG have alot of code geass DLCs in the jap version) and other nice stuff + it cost dam less from what the game cost here xD i think that i will order it
    Nice :cheering:

    i ordered TOG 3 month ago somehow from here but the shop have hard time getting it so i think i will cancel my order and will order it from overseas xD
    I edited my last reply quite alot so re read it when u have time xD

    I don't made that AMV btw but i made some for other games : P

    TOTA is for old PS2 and for 3DS

    i can't play VC 2 btw since i don't have PSP :happytears:

    Put it in the wrong place lol

    I have PSP emulators but i never tried them
    Thanks for the recommendation
    i will try xenosaga trilogy :p

    and i really wanted to play valkyria chronicles from long ago, too bad that the other games are for the psp -.-

    Btw as for the TO games, Tales of the abyss was one of the TO games that most people like, it like.. the game that "build" the "true" series, it even have 26 eps anime, it may be old but it must to try game xD

    TOG F have good "Code geass like" story but because it was made generally for the Wii (as a beta... i can tell you all the info about that if you want) and with other of the Tales of studio crew, it really lack alot compared to the normal TO games, i still recommand it though, but don't expect to anything major from it since it was made to be "mini game" in mind :P

    TOX is the next big TO game that suppose to even beat The abyss, i don't play it yet so i don't know for sure, but after i read about it, saw gameplay and other stuff, i just can't help myself by wanting to play it so badly : P
    it also let you choose which main character you want to play which ( Jude or Milla ) for the first time in TO series (not that you can't switch later ofc lol but it effect the plot and cutsenses)

    btw here AMV for it :3
    Yea it one of the great TO games imo

    just too bad that they not gave us the full game though -.-

    other tales games though like Tales of the abyss, TOS, TOG, had much better story though, again imo (and it seem i'm not the only one who think that way xD)
    But that doesn't mean that TOV is bad game, it not even close to be one xD
    Thanks lolz

    not was able to see the pics though.. had to copy path their links xD
    yeah true, If you want an anime let me know cause I am downloading alot of them and I may want to download it and upload it here aswell.
    I watched sekirei and freezing already :P
    they were nice shows still wait for se2 of freezing (if they will even made it cause the manga still continue)
    and se3 of sekirei.

    i have all eps of high school dxd in my pc but i wait for BDs, even though there's almost nothing to unc there lolz xD
    i can recommand you some shows, but i don't know what the types you like and either if you watchs animes from new season to new season or just random animes each time : p

    i do both btw xD
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