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  • not that many bards in the show. But they did have a play with a bunch of Dwarves playing the roles of the kings fighting for the throne.
    lol, they played it at his wedding but he threw gold at the performers and told them to fuck off lol.
    King Joffrey is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh happy day!!!!!!!!!
    LOL, i'm thinking of the middle one also.

    BTW, I just picked up the Street Fighter 25th anniversary set. It was to good of a deal to pass up especially since I am a huge street fighter fan. Comes with all the Street Fighter games, including all the DLC for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, and Street Fighter X Tekken. All the Street Fighter Anime Movies, OVA's, and series on Bluray. A Ryu Statue, and all the soundtracks. Artbooks and a bunch of other shit lol. Usually it's $150, but I got it for $40!!!
    We'll get you all eroed up with this gel!

    Now, sit with your legs either side and move backwards and forwards!
    I Googled it for you!

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