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  • I have really just been watching bluerays on it, honestly I don't really like Killzone, just bought it to play online with friends
    well I bought the extended warranty from best buy anyway, but it was a bit pricey. 2 extra years with accidental damage for $89.99
    You shouldn't be touching that, give it back now! No sneaking around in my room either!
    yeah I knew what you meant, but reading online I could only find people saying that Lara looked better, nothing about if the island looked better.
    I know they rebuilt Lara, but I am more interested if the world looks better or not, like the scenery
    Yeah I did, but sometimes they can be a bit misleading :dead: I want to get Destiny
    Oh. Well PC is always better. I just hope the PS4 version looks better then the PS3 version
    You mean from PS3 to PS4? I thought you said the graphics were a lot better
    I might get tomb raider when I get my certificates from best buy from buying the PS4
    I played yesterday with Zad. I sucked since it was my first time lol. You should play with us
    Ah ok :0
    I'll give it a try and see how season 1 is. Will decide whether to continue after it :3
    Got my PS4 :runhappy:

    I've heard about that site. Is it free or do you have to pay for 'the full version'
    Maybe I could give that a shot too.
    Or that too.
    I actually found a Japanese course over here which I was looking for for the longest of time.
    I really needed a course, self-studying didn't get me past the first 11/12 of the basic Kanji.. >_>
    Only thing is, all spots or filled..have to wait for this one to end before I can subscribe D:
    Just need to see if I can manage with the time I have. Workdays can pretty pretty irregular =/
    That's why they should hurry up and translate the Flight Diary Fandisc!
    She has a 'route' in it. Oh and Kanako too <3
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