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  • O..O... Otanjyobi OMedetto GOzaimasu..... I..I>..Its nOt Like I Caree A..About Y..You...

    If you're wondering who the one notice may have been from, it is I!

    Anyway, Happy birthday Vi Han. Not really much to say here since we speak frequently over Skype. Guess I'll start off with a congratulations on your test earlier today! Maybe I'll get you something if it went well. *ehehe* Still looking forward to the fateful day where we can have that one BlazBlue match we were never destined to play.

    Following with your test, I hope all goes well with your day today and however you want to spend it. Maybe go with your family to eat out at a restaurant. Aye! Regardless, have a good time.

    Time to go back into hiding! Till we meet on ASF again~

    Say hi to Renano, Decal and the others for me if given the chance since I'm not really appearing on ASF except for giving birthday wishes to peoples. ^^

    The best way seems to be sabotaging you own PC. But if you stop wasting time here then I won't be able to see you again. =\
    I see.

    Well, anime is at least very nice, I've gone a very long time without, but finally started getting some agian...And boy that felt. Just imagine, if anime doesn't get you anywhere, and your not going anywhere anyway, then being without it would only be worse. Though that was regarding me, as too you, sometimes life's sometimes doesn't rely on us to go anywhere, sometimes life takes us somewhere in life anyway. And we simply have to be prepared at times to make the most of it.

    Thanks, you too, and if that doesn't apply, then may better times come. I find that when life itself doesn't go anywhere, its an opportunity to take a look at our selfs, and start going somewhere in the heart, even if life otherwise would be stagnant.
    I know. I left shortly first.

    But if everyone else is still there then it seems quite active. I heard it grounded down quite a bit shortly afterwards. Maybe it picked up~?

    Still hope your able to enjoy life a bit perhaps while being lazy...maybe still watching some anime ?
    Ah, I started notifying some ppl already, and I saw you right above me in checks birthday thread. Edit: oh and your still hanging there eh...same ol same ol ? Anyone left or is everyone still there.

    I see. Well I hope you find something to reignite your interests, who knows. It might get a lot more hectic to come for everyone with exiting news on every global news channels and so on. Ambition isn't everything, and doesn't make everyone happy, perhaps a time for you to ...well do something your already good at. like observing...and the answer might eventually come.

    I've been doing....both terrible and good. It's presently somewhat good thank you.
    Hi there the quiet one, and observer one, shiki.

    Yeah, did you see me on AS just now btw ? or did the word somehow spread.

    And how's things been going for you up until now ?
    It's Little Inferno~ It's Little Inferno just for me~
    I've got the fireplace that burns at a hundred billion degrees~
    It's Little Inferno just for me~
    I've got these old toys! And I got this box of memories!
    Shove 'em in the fire, and breathe in the flaming potpourri~
    It's Little Inferno just for me~
    she seems like something coolio would fap listen to :3

    as for me, i dont follow idol groups, just erogays and some anime artists. unless idolm@s and lovelive count?...
    xD Good luck then (゜ー゜)ノ Although the one who will post the 1964 will be me ;p
    Fröhliche Weihnachten dir und deinen Familie/Freunden auch, und gute Rutsch in der neuen Jahr^^/!!!
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