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    Errm... Clearly you have a perspective of gamer-girls that I am severely lacking! O_O
    But, as I've mentioned before, I've been out of the gamer loop for years, and never really embraced online gaming.

    Ahh, my nose is quite refreshed, now, lol.
    Or, to be more accurate, an open-minded, non-jealous type of gamer!
    You think so? Even the women-folk, as well? That's a funny thought, actually.

    I stuck a lot of info about them into Queen Umbraah's description, but maybe I'll put together something more cohesive about theirs and other races of Casjan.
    Aaaand, my apologies, but I can't argue with the sleepiness of my eyes and body any longer. We shall have to continue this sometime soon!
    Talk lata!
    That sounds like a lot of fun! I can only hope my future life-mate/wifey is just as open... Though I doubt my chances of finding someone into H-games, 'round here. :/

    Indeed, I've already learned you're quite the respectful one. And... I already assumed that Snow Elves were conceived, before, but I'd like to think mine are at least unique!
    Yeah, I know of the strange perversions of others. Loli races... Ugh. I'll never understand the attraction. I know I must respect the taste of others, but I cringe every time I see loli-related stuff.
    Ok, I best calm down, about that!
    lol, I see, I see.
    Well, she must be one heck of a lady, then!
    When two weird people meet... I can think of no better, funner romance! Lucky guy!

    Heh heh... What it means is that, if she wasn't, and you did try something funny, then you'd have one very angry papa & mama!!! She's a sweet soul, though... I am undecided on what to do with her, tbh.
    That cannot be, because I only just now told you it for the first time! I've mentioned that they all tend to eventually be quite full-figured, among other things, but nothing of the maturing stuff.
    Nope, you sure did! 100% Positive!
    Hey hey, why are you putting castle in quotations, hmm? Are you inferring on her cleaning something other than an actual castle??? o_0
    You would have Eikyuu clean your man cave, as well, eh? I don't know how your "Q" puts up with you! lol
    Quite right... She's stuck on a misadventure with that feisty Ki! Nikkou's the one who kinda made Eikyuu take off in the first place, though... Haven't gotten around to writing that out, yet. I'll add it to the blog on HF, sometime!

    Ooooh, you filthy perv! You're lucky she's officially "of age", now! Btw, fun fact for you: Snow Elves continue to "mature" much longer than a typical human, too, if you know what I mean...
    Better grab some extra tissues for that nosebleed of yours!

    Oh, and forgot to mention, but you've told me the Fun Fact about the Alvsang/Elf Song! That... Or maybe I remember it from your blog? Doesn't make it any less fun, though!
    You'll see, now! Remember how I said I was creating Eikyuu, Nikkou's sister? I finished her about a week and a half ago!
    Eikyuu's been helping around in Castle Casjan, though Nikkou never bothered looking for her, there. A fast friendship, perhaps?
    [IMG] [IMG]
    Oh yeah! Princess Galyah has her father's eyes! How sweet, right?
    Eh heh, Internet died for a second, there. Anyway, pics are done, just gotta upload them!
    That is true, that is true.
    Well, I added a little bonus, as well, so it should just be a few more minutes!
    Heh heh, well, I hope she doesn't disappoint you... Now I'm feeling all sorts of pressure! I mean, I did create her not long after her mother, but even so, I've only taken the one picture used for her card!

    I think you're deserving of one or two more, so I'll quickly get those done, as well!
    Wow... You really wanted to see the Princess that badly, eh?
    Well, I gotta jump off for a bit. Talk lata, with a pic of the Princess! ;)
    Wow, that is a big map! Mine is 1920x1500, I think. So that's just one corner of it?! Wow...

    Eventually! :megane_aha:
    Very well, finish the glorious map! I'll get around to finishing mine... Eventually.
    She takes after her mother, Umbraah, but at the same time, obviously more youthful.
    Snow Elves genes are dominant, so she really didn't take after her father, looks-wise. Personality wise? Hmm...
    Oh, yeah, it is missing those, isn't it? Dammit!

    Hmm... Yeah, that's probably more accurate, lol.
    To say you weren't sure would be an understatement!
    I just checked them, too. Indeed, troublesome, but at least they're there! (And up to date)

    Oops! Won't call her that, anymore, though I can't promise that some of the more big-mouthed girls won't!
    While women do outnumber men 2-1 (maybe more?), there are men... You know the situation with that. Either way, she could do always do business with E'Anth Umbak! ;)
    You're probably right about that, but too many of my girls have a quick temper, and might see him as a bit of a nuisance. I don't think they'd do him serious harm, though!

    Anyway, I keep forgetting to ask this, but did I ever show you the Princess of Casjan & Umbraah's daughter, Galyah? I don't think I have.
    Harriette? I shall remember her, when all normalizes in HF. The General Chit Chat Thread for our group is back up on there, btw, as many of us (aside from myself) have posted on it. I guess the blogs are functioning, as well? I haven't checked mine or others out yet, though.

    Anyway, back to Harriette, so she's a vagabond? I think there are more than a few of those in Casjan. She should travel there, sometime... Make some new friends! :D

    New mesh, too? Hmm... Now that you mention, it did look a lot nicer. Her pet better not get any funny ideas around others, as I'm not sure how they'd react to him, ha ha!
    Ho ho, that's a sexy Mage you got there! If you had your blog up, I'd probably know her name and the region she serves, eh? But... HF is still in shambles, sadly. -_-

    Nice new textures for that hat, too! As for the pet, he better watch himself if he's in Casjan! Might find himself in a little cage, heh heh.
    Ok, ok. I do admit to being a fan of sci-fi, myself! We just don't have much to work with, at the present.

    Heh heh, I thought as much. Enjoy your nap, Naptaker!
    ...Oh. K, I'll just take your word for it. O_O

    lol, just a stupid saying that's fun to joke about. Mostly, it's said to make fun of the ignorant rednecks who kiss the red, white, and blue, heh heh.

    Indeed... But you're still Naptaker!!!
    I think I still have a steam account. I might have to double check that again, sometime!

    What's this? Jumping the shark on the fantasy stuff straight to sci-fi? Well, I don't really have sci-fi stuff, or girls, so... :/
    Oh well, looks like a more recent Illusion game I never played... Doesn't matter, really.

    I wouldn't be surprised if I mentioned that to you, heh heh. Gotta be careful with saying that too much!

    That's because I'm an "ignorant 'Merican", you know? "We only speak 'Merican, 'round here. If you don't know 'Merican, you can geeeet out! lol

    Well, it was good to finally hear from you, again! You do that, nap taker! Hmm... Think I'll dub you nap taker, from this day forward!
    I did notice! ;)

    And indeed, you will! Though... I will have trouble with that, as the thumbnails for my pics are not all the same. -_-
    You didn't answer me about what game that was from. o_0 And did I tell you to be careful? I thought I just said I didn't care? Hmm... heh heh.

    So, Milk Jugs of Myrr, eh? That has a nice ring to it!

    Yeah, I knew the whole "I can't speak a word of Swedish" was coming. Oh well, I can still mock you for your misgivings!
    Yes, you have indeed. Do I care? Nah.
    Hey hey, what game is this from? You've told me nothing of this! Or... Those... :smug:

    Ha ha! English fail, yet again!
    Careful, Icarus. O_O All I'm going to say about that!
    Yeah yeah yeah, I get... -_-

    No no, too bad, you'll have to mess with myself AND Bond Travolta if you dare such an undertaking! o_0
    AGH!!! I could have sworn I responded on your page! :akazukin_sorry:

    Hey hey, I'll have no invading of Minares High!
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