I think I'm starting to understand what you're saying, though it's strange that I've since uploaded several studio files for NEO in the old format and not had any issues.
So what would be the proper way to write the new list for your file? I keep trying, but I continue getting back this error:
*Edit* - Strike that, I'm no longer getting the error, because, I thought I figured everything out, with the list file now in the studioneo\HoneyselectItemResolver directory.
Here's how I re-wrote the list file:
<4200><10><God ray 01><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><godray_001><><False><False><><False><><True>
<4201><10><God ray 02><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><godray_002><><False><False><><False><><True>
<4202><10><God ray 03><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><godray_003><><False><False><><False><><True>
<4203><10><God ray 04><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><godray_004><><False><False><><False><><True>
<4204><10><God ray 05><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><godray_005><><False><False><><False><><True>
<4205><10><God ray 06><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><godray_006><><False><False><><False><><True>
<4206><10><Ray 01><><studioneo/sit_01.unity3d><ray_001><><False><False><><False><><True>
I went through HiR_Neo_1.1.0_eng and didn't get back any errors, needless to say. Though, now I'm back at square one, and not understanding why it won't show up in the MonoBehavior file; and thus, not being installed properly or showing up in NEO.
I know I'm doing something wrong, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Dammit, just when I thought I figured it out on my own, lol!

FWIW, I tried it with both category advance on & off, though out of convenience, it's best to leave that checked on, since it separates the default studio items and the modded ones into their own categories.