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  • I'd have to unplug my keyboard and mouse since I don't have spares and loathe FPS on controller...
    We have them in germany :3 But I dun think I should eat more of them D:
    I ate so many sweets in the last days......
    I did go to the store.
    They didn;t have it D:
    Need to go to an actual game store to find it.. Which I'll do..probably Wednesday or Thursday.
    TressFX is the special hair engine they made for Tomb Raider. It was so powerful it caused some video cards to over heat and die. They fixed that with a patch. But yes, there's a world of difference in last gen tomb raider and the new release.
    He's going to be at salt lake comic con fan experience. I'll get to see him...along with a bunch of people who don't know what deodorant is...
    I am still playing Fire Emblem, but only the leveling up and getting money. As I'm going through maps, usually the character I need to level up dies. :( Then I get frustrated, and have to figure out a different tactic to level the person up. I guess it's why this game takes me forever. :)

    I pre-ordered Bravely Default...comes out next week. :)
    Yeah, they're out of stock most places. Still happy with my one though, a few niggles but it's a thing you expect with new technology these days.
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