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  • It's already too late here to buy more chocolate ;_;
    And I almost ate all of it already D:

    Cadbury.....I think I have seen this chocolate somewhere before~~~
    bwahahahaha! I managed to get all my homework done for the weekend already! Huzzah for me!
    I hope that it's fun characters though :/ I'll have to start playing some more Disgaea D2 soon again, I haven't played in weeks lol. New Superman movie? Haven't heard about it. Most movies are kinda meh nowadays, at least the ones I watch for some reason or else it's just me who doesn't like watching movies :/

    Never heard about it. The name gave me a good laugh for some reason xD Yeah it probably wouldn't be too hard for me to understand :3 My friend got Netflix as well but the only thing we watched was Boondocks xD
    Ah..I see. Good luck with it and take the time ^^
    Thanks man. It's not really that big of a deal but it can get big if nothing is done =/ But It's gonna be done with soon enough :3

    Day off huh, nice :3 It's good to have those every now and then. =)
    I suppose :3 Meh, I'm not good at battling though lol. I just know most strategies xD Yeah, I had a good time!

    I haven't gotten it yet but I might plan to get it in the future. I found something about "mobile phone payment" on my U.S. account but they usually have a high price in exchange for in-game credits. I don't know if that applies to the PS3 though since you get your cash as in-game credit. On LoL for example you get less RP for more money if you pay with your phone.
    Well, thanks again^^!!!

    He (Ryuushin) is just a year old - but he isn't my first bearded dragon, I had the same about 3 year long (but unhappily she (Ryouko) is before 1 year died:crushed:)...

    I've him from my big-sis. get than Xmax gift...>_>
    I see, so he is low on calcium, and losing function in his bones. How old is your lizard? Have you had him a long time? I hope the vitamins, and powder help. What kind of lizard is it?
    Well, hello and thanks TKos-kun!

    Well, somehow can so say: At him miss calcium, what because of this the bones getting weak, where then almost not move can. And not active be can, what this not good is, because he can't eat then... From the doc got he a vitamin-syringe and calcium powder - Well, hope that he it getting better will..>_>
    I've played through Super Metroid like 5+ times on my SNES emulator :3 It's awesome! I remember how I flipped tables at Ridley xD

    Hmm, I lost 2 out of like... 8? I think it was something like that. The reason to why I lost is because I had 4/6 pokemon in my party who are weak to Fire. The enemy had a Noivern, Togekiss and a Delphox and all of them could use Flamethrower and got a good ammount of SpA. The only thing I actually raged at was that my Bellossom couldn't OHKO a Togekiss with 2 Swords Dance and Return with maximum friendship (108 base power). Amaya only took 2/3 out of that damn Togekiss HP. Literally an overpowered pokemon.

    The 2nd time I lost was only because the enemy was lucky as hell. Venusaur crit my Mega Mawile with Earthquake, Lapras Paralyzed my Azumarill with Thunderbolt and Blaziken crit my Steelix with Flare Blitz :sigh:
    I was lucky on the last battle I had though. Delphox missed my Steelix with Fire Blast (85% accuracy) so my Steelix could OHKO her with Earthquake, my Golem hit all 4 of his Stone Edge (because of the Pressure ability I couldn't do 5) and he also managed to crit the Florges in the enemy team so he OHKO her when the enemy switched her in. I know the feeling, Jessie, I know the feeling.
    Hmm... Metroid was pretty bad though, at least if you mean the first one :/ Super Metroid on the other hand was awesome! >:3 A Link to the Past :cheerleader:

    Btw, I did some battles in Pokemon Y this weekend when I was at my friend's house.
    I might consider it then. I have a tendency to forget registering to stuff like that and then forget that I actually have a account there when I do register xD

    "Some free games" Which ones? :goodtea:
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