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  • A Link to the Past was awesome and had some extremely hard bosses. Like dat damn butterfly. I see... 22nd November then :goodtea: It's a good idéa to do that then, you can't really have a better timing there xD Unless the game is popular somehow and gets sold out on the first day for some reason :/ But I hardly believe that lol.

    Yeah, that trick is awesome. Just remember that it will be easier the more you attack since you'll get a passive damage increase every turn your character attacks. 10% increase up to 100% and then it increases by a different number per turn. My Peppermint is lvl 54 if I remember right :3 I don't mind Flonne even though her damage is the worst I've ever seen. Etna is still only at lvl 4 since I ditched her and Laharl xD

    Fatal Frame huh, it actually exist on PS3? I'm gonna check PSN more thoroughly to see if there's something interesting. I hope that I'll end up seing more sales in the future :3
    Yaaaay! I think I'll still wait a few weeks to upgrade though. Or maybe until winter break when I'll have lots of time to tinker if it is required.
    i wish i could but i'm not an uploader;-(can u tell me how to become
    one? i seriously want to contribute something in this forum!
    i wish i could but i'm not an uploader;-(can u tell me how to become one? i seriously want to contribute something in this forum!
    If that's the case, then u should see it as soon as possible! There's a scene where vegeta finally surpasses goku!
    It's on map 4-1 if I remember right. But you have to beat it once first I think since the map will change after the first time you beat it. I see :/ But breeding is a part of the gameplay you know :/ The funniest thing you can do is to play through the game with pokemon you like. Kinda what I did with my Amaya, Emma and Mai/Flutters. Bellossom took a while to breed, I got Marill from Quay since I didn't wanna capture an Azurill and evolve her with happiness and I caught Mawile myself and traded it to HG for Venomoth.

    I didn't even know about the sale until friday when my friend checked PSN lol. You can do as you want to :goodtea: I'm not that fond of it on the PS3 though... it's much harder to aim compared to the computer but it could be because I suck with the controller xD I'll probably be busy playing with my friend since his computer is broken and he only got his PS3 lol.

    Too bad that they won't change it to normal :sigh: I've seen that game before now that I see the video. I have my doubts about it though since it feels too easy compared to A Link to the Past. It looks too much like A Link to the Past when it comes to the overworld. It's also sad that they put the worm boss from A Link to the Past in this game since he'll probably be alot easier here and ruin his reputation of being annoying as HELL. Don't like the walking in walls part either :/ I'll get my Rune Factory 4 and Etrian Odyssey remake first and then we'll see if I'll buy the Zelda game. I hate games that's too easy and that's why I love A Link to the Past and ActRaiser or what it was called. I even beated the boss rush map on it xD
    Yeah, but the reason to why Peppermint got 6240 mana is because she killed like 170 copies of that enemy xD I guess, it all depends on if you want to breed pokemon and make them the best and try to battle other players.

    We both got the game since we bought the "game of the year edition" for only 66 SEK because of the Horror sale on PSN. And yeah the only games I got now is Dead Island, Disgaea 4 and Disgaea D2.

    Sure, at least you CAN get it -.- I hate this crap, it's so useless. What 3DS Zelda game? Another remake or an actual new game?
    I guess, I haven't bought any DLC stuff yet. My Peppermint got about 6240 mana :goodtea: Yeah, I might do it as well depending on if I should play Dead Island with my friend or not.

    I personally feel that Dead Island is better since it actually have a story. L4D feels like an infinite killing spree game which barely got any story at all.

    I might buy the remake since I liked the Protector alot in the first game I played on an emulator. I still haven't continued with EO4 since I got stuck with Pokemon Y. I might finish it after I get my Mega Mawile with max IVs in everything except SpA. The only thing I'm waiting for now is Rune Factory 4... waiting have never been so hard.
    Sorry! Yeah we had fun! The exploding ones are annoying. And sharp weapons are annoying as well because of no knockdown at all... I can slash a zombie like 5 times before he gets downed unless I use the L1 + R1 special move that always knocks down normal zombies. That move is annoying to use though since it requires a decent timing. I love the Shock Machete I got which can shock the special zombies so they can't move for about 4-5 sec so I can kill them by spamming normal attacks until shock ends.
    I like having one out of each character unless a character can be created and is a main character. Like Hoggmeiser from Disgaea 1 for example. I could have both him and a normal Noble Demon monster ^^ It all depends on if you want it easier or not though since 3 mages literally can kill a boss in a single turn lol Personal experience from Disgaea 4 when Flonne knew how to use offensive magic and my Peppermint also used it. I also had a Magic Knight for sick damage output with magic xD I think I named her Eve or something like that ^^
    I hope that it becomes good as well and that they doesn't shut that down as well...

    Hmm, I only have a maximum of 1 character from each class/monster since that gives them a specific feeling to me. They feel like my soldiers instead of just some duplicated characters :/ But I guess that everyone feels differently about that xD
    No GameStop over here D: But I'm pretty sure there's a similar shop like that over here where they 'buy' your games. I just need to find one.

    As for the collectors Edition, the following was included: a nice metal case box, official artwork book, DOA5 Soundtrack CD, DOA5 Poster and the Bikini set download code for the ladies.

    Kasumi Pillow! DO WANT :D
    Hmm... wouldn't it be the same thing though? I see, sounds good. But... why 3 mages? I have my Peppermint (fire mage) who also can learn Star spells so if I find an enemy with fire resistance I just throw a Star spell to ignore all resistances/weaknesses or place my Pumpkin guy next to him since he changes the +50% fire resistance value to -50% fire resistance value to nearby enemies. I only need 1 mage and she's my precious Peppermint :3
    Uhmm..depends on how fast I can sell my DOA5. And I don't pan on selling the entire collector's edition. Just the game. I like the rest of the items you get from it :3
    Probably somewhere..next week ^^
    Oh btw, I haven't forgotten about your signature! I just didn't have a chance yet to have a go at it. I finished the rendering of it though.
    Don't like making people wait for too long ._.
    Massage is so nice :fullflush: I hope they create something else someday to be able to chat with people :/ I see! How far did you come and did it go well? :3
    Yeah, I had a good time ^^ So how's your leg doing? :reallyconfused:

    Strange reasons for shutting it down. Especially since the first comment explains it. What's wrong with exchanging friend codes? Also, just turn off the picture sharing stuff then. Retarded nintendo can't do anything right :sigh:
    He could've took his revenge but that would'nt be fair as alreagy 2 saiyan's have kicked his ass and one of them is his own son who already took his revenge by killing him.
    I've been at my friend's house. I did get notified now but not yesterday morning :/

    It took about 1 hour or something xD But the cash gain was sick so I might do it again soon. Really? I'm always logged in so I don't know how it is like xD
    omg so sorry for the late reply TT TT no its not that XD the reason why you haven't seen me around lately is due to the first reason; i havent been on OTL
    so sorry! im currently in my final year of high school and well... things have been stressful? well that pretty much answers it in my case XD
    anyways how have you been :3? ! AS CHANGED SO MUCH, BUT ITS SO PRETTY NOW OMG <3 funny cause i was looking for a login button for the past ten minutes though OTL
    Yea I had fun too :3 Well..that's probably because I play a lot of CoD games. Like..if we'd play Halo, i'd suck at it xD
    Next time I hope we'll play DOA5U :3

    I like the site design and all too. I'm totally fine with it, I think I like it more than the previous one but I have to agree with what you and Dark Angel posted in the Site Support thread.
    VM's should be only readable if you enter that's person actual profile. Oh well, we'll have to wait and see as this all is sort of a 'trial' period.

    Ok..that does it, I'm buying DOA5U asap. I don't expect that Team Ninja will give any more attention to DOA5...
    I like all the new DLC costumes a lot and I want them too.. :forsaken:
    It will get boring after a while after all~
    But my current pokemons are all squishy >.< I have trouble against lvl 70s even though my team is around 80-90 >.<
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