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  • Lmao, then you probably doesn't have as many as you thought xD It appears to happen quite often xD
    LOL, I thought the Pokeball marks meant you already had those Pokémon in the Safari, maybe I don't have all of them yet LOL So I thought 2 Pokeballs meant you had 2 out of the 3 Pokémon in the Safari
    Yeah, and you can only find the same number of pokemon as there are pokeball marks in their safari. So if you only see 2 pokeball marks instead of 3 in the 3 spots when you see which pokemon you can find there you can only find 2.
    I guess. Some of my friends only got 2 but sometimes it appears to become 3 after they finished E4 or something like that :/
    I guess... I kinda don't have any of them. I got Spritzee, Shuppet, Camerupt, Duosion and Bergmite :/
    I can't either but other people can check it for you. I can check what you have when I go to that town after the 3 eggs have hatched. Since the guy in the pokemon center in that town tells which IVs of your pokemon that got max in it :3
    I can understand why though. It's hard to resist :goodtea: Congrats on completing the game. I'm thinking about buying pokemon X or Z later when it probably will get released as well
    comes with 5 chibi's XD

    btw my friend is borrowing my 3ds for a while

    once I get it back I might have pokemon Y XD

    if he gives it to me XD
    On my way!
    Btw, can you invite me? I have so many people added as friend It's gonna take a while to find you xD
    reviews always under rate the game

    I think i am ordering tales of symphonia :p

    two of them, one to sell and one to buy.

    going to wait til it comes out in ebgames canada XD
    You're the greatest~

    Need anything? I have 50 Friend Safari's and some pretty cool pokes in there :3
    ELos~! What's up :3

    Uhmn..sorry to bother you again but can I borrow your Everstone?
    I was breeding with it with mine but..I dunno wtf happened to it and it's gone ._.
    Hmm, I never found it that fun to find eggs though. They did it once and then stopped with it after I simply didn't care about looking for a stupid egg lol

    We eat food and dance/sing around a pillar of grass. That's how much I know about it even though I never have done it myself. I don't like such childish stuff. I can run around a lamppost over here and sing if I really am that desperate :/
    At least you have fun doing so, right? I got no clue... it's not much to it I guess. The only times we celebrate is christmas and midsummer. Easter isn't really that popular here either. The only thing we do is to fill some candy in some eggs to our children/siblings and give them the egg. We doesn't even hide the eggs because there's no point in doing that :/
    I see, at least you got it over there so be happy with that :/ Over here you would get depressed of not having it at all :sigh:
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