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  • Can you add me unless we either is online?
    To tell the truth, I don't know so much about 3ds.
    My code is 5241-3276-9389
    user name is リュータ
    and I don't in the place that I can use internet now.
    Good choice. He/She becomes NINJA. I'll choose Fennekin at my starter.
    When I get it, let's play it togather!
    Oh... I'm talking about it now. I don't get it yet. If I'll buy it, I should cut down on groceries. I used too much money for transportation expenses to paticipate pokemon cards tournament.
    But, before long, I buy pokemon X. I promiss.
    By the way, which one did you get?
    Well one of my goals is to travel around the world so I would like to go to many places as possible :3

    I think u can get it earlier too if u were to buy it at a store~
    mmmmmmmmmmmm........ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.,,,,, in mean time i will not.. because gonna focus on storing energy.... for playing.....X.. Cioughh
    Yea it is difficult...:deadsad:

    I liked Spain :D I can't speak Spanish since I only went there to play xD

    I do learn it in school but most of it was because I speak with other people like here :D
    While speaking with u people I also improve my english :D
    I can speak a bit chinese :3
    I was in Spain two years ago :3

    I have a shopping centre close to me so I can always buy things whenever I want :fulfilled:
    Aldi is also big in Germany :3

    Well I am chinese...so of course I would have been in china :3 :goodtea:
    The cola in the U.S is different? :surprised:
    hmm Well it is different in China too.........
    Yep I know the store aldi~ it's about 400m away from here :3

    naww it's okay~ I always talk about random things and others might be bored too~ :goodtea:
    Yeah, time to unwind to heart's content!
    . .Maybe, if no more assignments given.
    Ah, wasn't sure if you were in the U.S. or not. Yeah the celebration is similar, but probably must less accented. There is turkey and family gatherings and such, but not much beyond that.
    Thanksgiving is different in Canada and the US. They have theirs in November.

    Box day... do you mean boxing day? That refers to the day after Christmas where lots of stores will try to get rid of their Christmas stock/just have random sales. Though it was originally one day some places will stretch it out for weeks now :P
    Oh, you missed me yesterday when I logged on.
    Been ok for awhile, and busy if I could add.
    I wish I could join you guys in the contest.
    You good too?
    I'll still need to work (both at work and homework) on the weekend, but it might be more relaxed. I'm seeing about altering some plans that would make it even better, but we'll see if those work out or not. :)

    It is also thanksgiving weekend here in Canada
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