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  • Ah sucks man =/

    Fees starting at $2000!? WTF. We get fees for ANY price. A few years back I bought a couple of PENS, total of $24. I got around $17 in fees.
    I already informed at my local office and there's no way in getting around it if you choose any secure shipping method, namely EMS. So yea, I'll probably get about 35-45 extra fees for the butterfly figure..
    Delayed until 30th JUNE!? Wow >_>

    Speaking of figures, I just sent the payment to AmiAmi for the orange butterfly figure :runhappy:
    I should have it somewhere next week if customs don't suck D:
    Almost got tickets to see Golden State playoffs...but missed the chance.

    Stop, stop, stop! Odin Sphere...didn't play the first one. W-wait is it side scroll? Maybe, what makes you want to get it?
    Oh my goodness! The Nendoroid is very cute.

    I thought my backlog of games was long, so is yours. Not enough time to play, and still have a life. :)
    Yup, still struggling with the spikes/blocks =/ But hey, at least I don't lose every time now!
    I noticed the swimsuits and the be honest, they're not even worth the 4 dollars. Pretty plain and ugly too D:

    I usually quit most owner and girl challenges that REQUIRE you to do something like win 2 butt battles in girl mode or buy a swimsuit in owner mode. I only do them when it's like "play a game of Beach Flags or "Go Rock Climbing".
    Got another rank A yesterday.. Can't seem to get rank S yet, I'll have to win almost all volleyball matches for that one, same for Rank S+ =/

    Oh btw, at the end of a vacation, you'll get the scores and ranks and all that but you'll also see the characters excitement level or something. Does this play any important role..?
    I'm on 10 for Ayane and 8 for Marie Rose.
    For me, since I discovered otome games sometimes it's difficult to get my head around playing a guy protagonist wooing a girl. I played FES, and was okay with being the male protagonist. So, if the story is really good then I tend to forget I'm a guy.

    I haven't tried to hack into my 3DS either. Plus, I have enough games to keep me busy without the added stress with another system.

    BTW...how many games do you have in your backlog?
    Yeah, but I'm also not setting a good example...I upload games I buy for others to download.
    Though, I hope people would eventually buy the games but probably not. Like a double edge sword, I only wanted to be an uploaded for those people who couldn't afford or cannot buy the games because of their country but I want the developers/producers to still make good games. That's why PSP is no longer around, and the PS Vita is still around. People like me cannot extract Vita games to upload.

    Awesome track!

    I think for Atlus having a female protagonist was a one time deal in the Persona series. And for me completely worth every penny spent too. I have the PSP disc, and downloaded on my Vita.
    I'm getting the hang of it! :surprised: I got my first 7-0 win yesterday against Normal?easy, but still it's something! :runhappy:

    The only thing I still don't quite get is the blocking/spiking department. My block fails A LOT...Is it because Marie is just too short to block properly? Or do I need to stand right in front of the net? Same for spiking btw.
    Sometimes Marie tries to spike from half court and it always fails, what am I doing wrong? ;-;

    Honoka accepted 3 swimsuits I bought for her :runhappy: And Marie is mean D: She wanted that specific character Item, Prinsesssomethingcake. I bought it for 100k owner money but she rejected it D:
    I try to buy games to support the developers. Especially in the Otome world, developers make basically nothing.
    Except the big dev/producers like Idea Factory I refuse to buy any of their games. I guess they were good until execs. took over the business, now it's all about how many games they can release instead of a good story. And I bought too four and five games been disappointed with the story, and thought I will never again buy any of their games.

    Yes, I have a backlog of otome games between 20-25 games I bought, plus before when I was downloading games from Ataraxia maybe about 10+ or so. I still have two more on pre-order too. And some games are not short.

    Just kill me now!!!
    Watched the preview, looks great but thank goodness not my type of game. For me too many girls, need more guys :)
    ah, ok. probably an asian psn account (except jp). another important question. how is the mouse pad? :>
    Thought you need a hong kong psn account for the asia version of the game (got the vita version from play-asia, but i plan to get the ps4 version sometime in the future).
    Thanks a for the info. Honestly, after playing the game for a while, I can say I really like it. However, it's too tedious. The amount of Experience/Satisfaction grinding needed is too high. It also doesn't help that I suck at Volley Ball =/ A question about that btw:

    Can you do more than just position your AI partner in the volley ball area? I press buttons too when partner is on the receiving end. Probably not needed ._.

    Last night I got 91 and A Rank for Ayane. She's an ass btw. There was this [5/7] mission where she wanted the Jet Black Bikini. So I bought it for 200k. She rejected it.
    I then went to re-wrap the gift (FOR 100K DX) and gave it her again. She accepted then. Way to make someone spend money =/

    How do you get your partner's satisfaction go up? It's so slow. I usually spam Rock Climbing as it gives 2 big hearts so the partner doesn't get anyting.. (I know Volley gives 3 but yea.. you know how that goes..)
    Did you get any S Rank so far? I got E on the first play lol. Then straight A's but no S yet.

    "never give gifts to girls who are not your partner. They will almost always reject it, and it can upset your partner in the process." Well..that explains a lot then >_>

    Thanks for the help btw. I'm usually a FPS/Fight/RPG gamer so this is quite a different road for me. I need to develop the patience for these type of games x3
    yep, battle got new system ...there also some broken things that make this game easy if you have difficulty fighting some bosses and mobs...
    us version will be released on september i think
    Yeah, you're right. Do you know how many games I have on my backlog? Not including the otome games, yet I keep getting more. AND YOU ARE NOT HELPING!
    I recall her saying that she'd open it up later.. Dang D:
    I've been grinding the casino (Poker) a lot. Getting owner money is quite tedious =/ Currently at 850k though :3
    Ayane's quite a pain. There's not much she likes >_>
    Elos! Halp meh. I gifted 2 Swimsuits to Marie while playing as Ayane. Where do I find those D: ?
    yes, all class seven members + sara except crow, and 5 guest characters join and only available in certain chapter, and also we could play 5 secrets characters using bonus accessories
    total playable characters is 23....oh and there also mech battle which we could use our newly acquired mech in cs 1.
    Okay, I just watched the trailer of World of FF, and it's very cute. Too cute. Oh man! Why are you adding to my stack of games?
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