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  • Haha nice. Looking forward to the pics then :3

    Yea definitely, the one with the phone looks better.

    Personally I wouldn't buy a figure just because of that. I need to like the figure for me to buy it. I mean, they're certainly not cheap and you're going to look at them once in a while I assume. I don't want to regret buying something.

    As for that, here's a Reddit link I found the other day. We actually have the 2nd one, Klingsbo, in our living room. Only the lower shelve is mine, the others are filled with my moms things x3
    I really like both the Kurisu figures, I'm not sure which to pick. I like the gears she's sitting on and for the other I like her pose and the soda bottle :3
    It's a tough one.
    The Tharja figure looks nice but..I don't know but it's not that appealing. Maybe because of the overly dark colors or something?

    Haha to be honest, I thought you'd like it, I just wasn't sure if you were gonna pre-order her :3
    Very nice figure and I have a thing for angel wings.

    Yesterday I decided to unbox all my figures. I read on My Figure Collection that keeping figures boxed can actually be harmful for your figure over time.
    So I kinda panicked as I had figures boxed from 2 years ago. Luckily they were all in perfect condition still. I'll take some pictures when I have the time ^^
    Also about Steins Gate, yes it's amazing. It's scored 2nd highest of all time on MyAnimeList.
    Great cast which you know by now and the story and..gah, everything. Oh and Kurisu is awsome <3
    Yea, I know she's kinda expensive. But unfortunately that's usually the case with figures based of Tony's work..

    Oh yea, those are nice, especially the base of the 2nd one *_*

    Dagashi kashi is a fun watch :3 The purple haired girl is prime candidate for Girl of the Season <3
    It has quite some trivial facts about old school japanese candy so if you don't like random facts about that stuff, it might not be for you.
    Oh nice, thanks for the link. Don't really care for the price much tbh. It's a must-have for me <3
    Lemme know when/if you decide to get her too ^^

    And yes, The art is great too. Have you seen the anime of it? :0

    Whoa, sounds tasty *_* I'll check and see if I can find it here somewhere :3
    I might get her eventually. Not now though, not that much of a priority. At least I know where to get her now so thanks :3

    You're right, the original looks much better, I like how colorful it is. But I have to say Pink/Black is pretty/sexy too.

    Haha, that figure's great. Love the pose and facial expression. Don't have any figures by orchid seed yet, maybe in the future.
    Same goes for the Miku, it's amazing. I missed the pre-orders for it since I LOVE the colors/base. I've seen it a few times on eBay but..damn..soooo expensive >_>
    Let the waiting game begin!

    Oh and I fell in love with this figure. Instant pre-order the moment it shows up on AmiAmi: Valkyrie
    And again, based off of Tony's Artwork. Stunning face, curves and love the emerald green-ish armor. Oh and I like spears so that's a plus :3

    edit: Just read it's a Hobby Japan exclusive so I'll need to order it there or somewhere else. I don't think AmiAmi will get it D:
    Hey dude ! it´s been a while....how are you ? did you watched the Broncos/Patriots - Cardinals/Panthers games ? ( lol im sure you did....just make some conversation :) ) you think the Broncos defense can stop Supercam´s Panthers ? i just wasn´t able to watch many of the games this season but watched most of the post season games...and the Panthers were awesome ( best team,best QB,MVP for sure ! ) can´t wait for Super Bowl...thinking about the NFL season pass next year...well hope you´re fine.Take care ! greetz from good´ol Germany :)
    Oh yea I remember that one xD I was like what the? xD
    they have some pretty really funny eps despite all the seriousness they have

    Idk if they have approved of more eps but for now they only have 6 episodes planned >_<
    Yes ^^ the most I think I laughed was with that alien dancing with the guy to lady in red xD
    and no no only on mondays since I think it's a 6 episode miniseries
    Supernatural is a good show xD
    I remember some funny moments too haha
    and yess I hope it's good >< we need scully and mulder to solve the greatest mysteries ><
    It would take a miracle for Carolina to not win. 4th quarter, Panthers 42 - Cards 15

    Good for your brother! He has a heckuva task ahead.
    Broncos 20 - Patriots 18

    Heckuva game! Denver deserves it's Super Bowl trip!
    lol, a battery operated tank for figures. I'd love to see that :3 Quite the pricetag though

    First one looks nice but I'll get the 2nd one I think. I like the audiojack plug. Don't think the 1st one has it.
    They all look cute but Sachi is the one I'll beg getting soon x3

    Yup, quite the steal for that price considering it's Sonico. It's pretty colorful indeed and I knew you'd like the props :3 Also, dat ass indeed.

    Yup, I've seen those. I'm missing the wings as you said.. Still debating whether to get any (or both) or not. Leaning towards the black/purple one should I get one.
    Yay! :3 I rarely buy these though. I really need to like the character before I buy it. There's one more I'm eyeing: This

    Haha nice charm x3 Did they have something similar with Sachi? :bigeyes:

    Game looks pretty cool though. But I've never played any games of the Fire Emblem series.. :sowwy:

    Damn, really. Marie Rose looks cute in anything <3
    Yeah, I like Tiki alot in awakening, also waiting for the the special edition of Fire Emblem Fates
    Like wtf, 300!? And it isn't even out yet >_> I knew it was hyped but not this much.
    I don't get the whole controversy. The west always seems to have problems with stuff like this. Murdering people in GTA is totally fine but some immoral relationships? Oh no, we gotta ban that stuff. Like, really =/

    Haha, sure I'll let you know in case of this miracle x3

    I've seen that figure too but it's a little bit too exposed. If she had a cast-off top/bra I might've ordered her.

    I know that figure. I really like her but I don't like the company. She's from a VN called Sanoba Witch. It really saddens me that VN characters rarely get turned into a PVC figure by larger companies like Good Smile and Kotobukiya. I don't like Broccoli but that's just me =[

    She looks cute, like most Nendo's x3 I rarely buy those but I have these 3:

    From let to right: Tina (VN: Koi ga Sakura Koro Sakura Doki, very close to complete translation, so hyped for this one), Ikaros, obviously Waifu x3 and Saber Bride I won in a little lottery at the AnimeCon over here last year.
    Haha, a true dilemma I see xD I personally like the Blue one but in the end it's up to you. I don't think I'd keep 2 of the same figure, with the only difference being the colors.

    Whoa man, that sucks >_> That's GameStop for you. I've heard similar stories from friends. So stupid,a huge chain like GameStop should be able to handle the pre-orders. Especially when it comes to such a long awaited game.

    Ahw.. That's the annoying thing about figures. I sometimes decide too late to pre-order figures as well and then it's gone ;-;
    I've seen that Tony figure too. I liked it too but I had another figure ordered at that time so I let this one go.
    Speaking of Tony, I REALLY REALLY want a PVC of this one:
    She's from a Hentai called Fault! (Which I've only watched because Tony made the artwork) and the picture is just :nosebleed: I'd be happier if they made it cast-off though as I couldn't stall her looking like that x3
    They already answered my prayer for this one so I can hope at least :P --> Seraphim
    Ooh Yea I see, same thing over here. Some lotteries over here are tax free so you get to keep the full amount :)

    Looks nice! /me awaits pics :fulfilled:
    Yea but that's still 500 million each. I don't think my heart be able to take such a shock if I won that o.o

    Just read it too. Sucks D: Hopefully for good reason though.
    Yea, I've heard there a winner. I'm expecting a truck load of PVC figures Dan, you better not disappoint me :P
    Not necessarily but a more dynamic pose or something. And not the standard school outfit. In the anime she has this pretty white one piece dress which would look great as a figure :0

    Hmm..I wouldn't say odd but..different. Maybe because of the pose.

    I like the one you have more. Colors are more vibrant and the base look great.
    haha true that x3 But it's kinda plain. I would've wanted it to be more extravagant at least.

    Yea, they will be. Which I don't mind if the quality is good. The 1/4 scale Ikaros figure I showed you a while back is from the same company and it looks great (even though I haven't unboxed her yet xD)
    We'll see.

    Wow what, heavy story setting then o.o

    Yea, I saw that one not too long ago. Thought you'd like it :3
    Like wtf, $17.000 XD It's funny when you realise that there are people who actually can afford/buy this stuff o.o

    Hm..don't know that VN. Looks nice though, like the artwork.

    Also, looking forward to see how these turn out

    I love this series (idc what everyone else says) and these 2 are my favorites from the anime. Hope they look good painted.
    I actually MIGHT get both if they look good <3
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