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  • With 3 games left, Bears and Lions are in the top 10.

    There's a fierce battle for first pick between the Browns and Titans, with 3 wins each.
    That was a fine game for the Giants, even though they lost. Coming back from 35-7 to tie the game was an amazing performance!

    Sorry about the Bears. :(
    Yeah, Romo and the Cowboys. If you listen to all the Romo hype, they should be 10 time Superbowl winners.

    He can't even GET them to one.
    I don't root much for the Jets, but since they beat the Cowboys tonight, 19-16.... Go Jets!!! :korokke_go:
    Yea, I didn't really like her route either. Pretty boring imo. Here's what I personally think of the routes without any bias: Amane > Sachi > Makina > Yumiko > Michiru.
    But Character wise: Sachi > Michiru > Amane > Makina > Yumiko :3

    No prob, glad you liked it as much as I did ^^

    Reminds me, there's another short Yuri VN called Lillium x Triangle. I haven't played it yet but it seems cute too. You could give it a shot.
    Yea, I've played the Lat of Us on the PS3. A great game indeed. Might get it again for the PS4 depending on the price.

    Yea Sachi's route was pretty sad. I had to wipe away a few tears when she was reading that last letter from her parents.. ;-;
    But yea, Amane's route was very good too.

    Oh neat, thanks for telling. Will get it for sure. She looks pretty cute in that outfit. But then again, Marie Rose looks cute in pretty much anything x3
    Yup for ps4, i want the ps4 version for dengeki but i getting the ps3 version since i can download it on my friends ps3 aswell
    I might do so as well ^^

    Yea, I know. It's a very popular series after all. But all the figures from this line look great. Great sculpting and so colorful~
    Awesome, looking forward to play :3

    NICE :runhappy: Would be a nice gift it they release it on Christmas :fulfilled:
    Glad your happy with your purchase ^^

    Uh, Sunday should work. Around this time I think. Need to set it up first and pretty busy weekend planned >_>
    I'll let you know ^^
    Don't worry about it <3

    She looks good man. I love the extra's that came with the figure, especially the letter. Worth the money indeed~
    Oh, I wouldn't have used it if I knew that x3 But oh well, bought a year online play ^^

    Oh and about the figure, as much as I like the figure/character, I'll have to pass this one up~
    Ah I see. Thanks. I'll pre-order it after the holidays. Don't want my package to go missing the busy times. Not saying it will happen..but it CAN happen.

    I know but still, its the extra frames that help and I'm a big fan of DOA ^^

    Now I just need to find the time to actually play the games >_> Very busy during these last weeks.. :deadsad:
    I just checked playAsia too. I'm confused. Which one do I order? This one for my region?

    My friends who I game a lot together with all recently bought a PS4. I can't be left out lol. And I wanna play DOA5 on the PS4, as well as BO3.
    Thanks for reminding me! I would've forgotten it >_>

    Oh and check this one out. I love frilly stuff <3
    Oh, very nice extra's. I WANT THAT LETTER ;-;
    It's from the anime, yes. You'll love it when you finish it~
    The butterfly figures don't fit, their stand is elevated. Same goes for the Christmas cat figure.
    Then there's another one that's too high and too wide. It'll need an entire space (what do you call those layers/panels inside a display case? There's a word for it?) for itself and I don't have said space.
    And lastly, I have an Ikaros figure with 1/4 scale. In other words: Huge. Won't fit either. And I doubt I'll be ever opening this one though.

    EDIT: Oh man, I know how you feel.. :deadsad:
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