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  • Yup, if the game's good then the DLC's are equally fun the get as it's worth it for the game =)

    Ah I see, cool ^^ Alrighty man, say Hi to them for me x3 Enjoy your time =)
    it's okay, we all can't be blessed with perfect functioning bodies.
    It makes it hard to speak to her on a normal level.
    So sadly, I just don't talk to her.
    She had it removed successfully the tumour, although it affected her personality
    Yeah I was born here. Darwin, Northern Territory.
    It's too loud around here, though the people are nice.
    Lol. Turn the cat into a figurine >:
    OUch..that must hurt pretty bad XD
    But let's face it, those who can afford those tickets, can probably afford losing them anyway :3
    Oh I see. Pretty cool! I bought an hentai prince and stony cat figure not too long ago.
    I love the colours and she has a spoon?
    Yea, I've seen that one. Good Smile Company delivers again. They always have nice accessories and figure stands :0
    Hmm... I think first person games are the worse in terms of headaches but even wider view... depends =w=
    So a bit like borderlands ;p Well idk =w= 3D environments dont work well for me... I get random headaches for some reason... maybe the shaky mouse movement...
    Chicago Cubs -----> the Detroit Lions of baseball.

    Only a Lions fan can say cr*p like that. ;)
    Cheer up, it's not the end. As a Yankee fan I know how it is to be up 3-0 and lose a series.. as long as the Cubs draw breath they have a chance.
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