Every month I'm reminded of games I need to finish; however, instead of finishing them I go back to the P3P and love the fusing. Who know why, maybe it's therapeutic or something.
The new place is great, but a little out from the center of the city, and at times feels like it too. Besides busy with work, and business class I'm doing okay.
I thought you had mentioned to me the possibility of joining the military, but it wasn't for school reason but for working at a DoD school. But yes, I have to agree school is expensive, and not getting cheaper either. My brothers both joined the Air Force got their degrees, and got out; although, I don't think that was the reason why they joined in first place but at some point realized it wasn't for them. Well, it's a tough choice, and a commitment...but may be worth it in the end too.
Anyway, I should get back to work or homework...